F**K off Holly[]
Brandon to his mom
Brandon is the overarching antagonist in M3GAN. The first installment of the film series. He is a Bully to cady james and the son of holly and the first victim of M3GAN
He is portrayed by Jack Cassidy
Brandon is a slender teenager who has dark hair he wears a green puffer vest with a blue square and white square flanner on he also wears a blue shirt
He is a teenager bully who was likely held back due to his behavior and hated little kids
Brandon is first seen with the students with baskets to collect chestnuts one kid says they do not wanna go with brandon he is partnered up with cady then brandon gives the f bomb to his mom later he sees cady dropped a chest nut then he foolishly apoligizes to cady by clenching her hand with the chest nut later M3GAN comes and brandon realizes that M3GAN is a robot Brandon scolds cady to make her say something later brandon steals and flees with M3GAN He takes M3GANS Shoe off and slaps her But M3GAN Hangs on to brandons ear to teach him some manners then she rips his ear off Then brandon runs away he sees M3GAN is chasing him like a victious predator Brandon trips on a stick then rolls down a hill and he gets hit by a car for his demise later he is sent to the hospital