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You see, the greatest impediment to making astronomical observations, is our atmosphere. It is like looking through pea soup! So to make our terrestrial telescopes more effective, I am going to take all of the Earth’s atmosphere, and put it on the moon!
~ Brain Booster Baljeet telling his evil plan to his friends.

Brain Booster Baljeet, is an geinus alter-ego/separate persona of Baljeet Tjinder and the main antagonist of the Phineas and Freb episode, "Cranius Maximus".

He was voiced by Maulik Pancholy.


While the children played card games. Buford raises the subject of who created playing cards when Baljeet enters. Ferb corrects Baljeet, stating that playing cards were first used in India, disputing his assertion that they were invented by the ancient Babylonians. Then, realizing he was mistaken, Baljeet comes to the conclusion that he is losing his edge because of the three months of summer vacation.

Baljeet returns from his backyard with two CAT scans of his brain—one taken prior to summer and one taken during it. When Isabella notes that they have the same appearance, Baljeet believes he is losing his memory because it took him three minutes to figure out how to perform a self-CAT scan. Baljeet is then shown by Phineas what they created while he was away—a brain-stimulating helmet. Baljeet solves intricate mathematics while the helmet functions.

Baljeet is trying the helmet back at Phineas and Ferb's place. He says he has a lot of ideas thanks to his newfound intellect, and his favorite is to put Earth's atmosphere on the moon so that everyone can see it more clearly through a telescope. His pals unsuccessfully attempt to dissuade him from doing it. A force barrier blocks Buford's attempt to turn off the helmet's power supply.

Phineas, Ferb, Buford, and Isabella sneak under the backyard to reach the atmospheric device while tricking Baljeet with cardboard effigies. They use their jet-packs to fly around the device and divert Baljeet's attention. Baljeet starts the atmospheric transfer process, believing he has halted them with his tractor beam.

While Phineas is warning Baljeet to give up, he proceeds with the transfer. When Buford arrives and removes the brain booster from Baljeet's head, he becomes normal again after realizing he was duped. Baljeet acknowledges his error and adds that he cannot reverse the transfer since he cannot recall the controls. He remembers that there is a failsafe, but he can't find the keys to shut it off. Because Heinz Doofenshmirtz use his Key-Find-inator to take every key in the city and hopes of finding the Key to the City, believing it will allow him to go anywhere in the city. But Perry sends all of the keys back and sets the inator on fire to undo the effects of the inator.

The fail-safe key lands on the key hook while Baljeet is scurrying around attempting to locate the key before the transfer is finished. Baljeet turns the key and halts the transfer only a second before it's finished, sparing the planet. Buford then builds a wedgie machine with the helmet. The wedgie machine drags the helmet and atmosphere gadget into space.


  • Despite his high intelligence, he is very deluded and has a lack of common sense, as he does not realize that his plan to take all of the Earth’s atmosphere, and put it on the moon will kill billions of lives.
  • He (alongside Stormtrooper Baljeet) are the only villainous versions of Baljeet.


           Phineas&FerbLogo Villains

Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Norm | Vanessa Doofenshmirtz | Gelatin Monster | Balloony | Evil Platypus Clones (Jerry the Platypus) | Doofenshmirtz's Mecha | Alien-inator | Rodrigo | Mindless Repulsive Pharmacists

Aloyse von Roddenstein | Dr. Bloodpudding | Dr. Diminutive | Charlie Bainbridge | Orville Von Roddenstein | TV Scientist | David Bringdown | Bannister Evil Enterprises (Professor Bannister, Bannister's Thugs, Me-Positive and Me-Negative) | Chloe | Dr. Killbot | Warehouse Goons

Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.-2
Doofenshmirtz Family-2 (Heinz Doofenshmirtz-2, Charlene Doofenshmirtz-2 & Vanessa Doofenshmirtz-2) | Norm Bots | Goozim | Animal-Borgs (Perry the Platyborg, Peter the Pandaborg, Pinky the Chihuahuaborg & Terry the Turtleborg) | Giant Mechanical Ants | Tony Marzulo

Dennis the Rabbit | Evil Carl | Evil O.W.C.A. Robots (Evil Flynn-Fletcher Robots)

Extraterrestrial Beings
Mitch | Zachariah Yore | Morg | Super Super Big Doctor | Braxington-ton | Hermellivue | Stapler-Fist | Shoe-Monkey | Toilet Flower | Sand Blaster | Mama

Red Skull | MODOK | Whiplash | Venom | Darthenshmirtz | Stormtrooper Candace | Candace's C.O. | Norm-3PO | Stormtrooper Baljeet | Stormtrooper Buford | Pistachions (Derek, Dennis, Giant Pistachion & King Pistachion)

Time Shift
Jekyll Doofenshmirtz | Doofengung | Mongol Army (Doofus Khan) | Doofenshmirtz (1914) | Corn Colossus of Juatchadoon | Norm (1914) | Doofenshmirtz Evil Amalgamated (Professor Von Doofenshmirtz & Pneumatic Pnorman)

Fictional Characters
Torbo | Control Freak | Smile Away Reformatory School (Drill Sergeant) | Morty Williams | Giant Buford | Shape Shifter | Ninja Vampires | Doofenwarlock | Spider-Monkey | Doofenwarlock Guards | Flying Squirrels | Little Witch Suzy | Jared | Malifishmertz Evil Tradesman Association (Malifishmertz, Meatlings, Lawn Gnorme & Shepherd Spy) | Keeper of the Bridge of Comprehension | Candace's Id | Worthington Dubois | Inner Doofenshmirtz | Professor Nibbles | Der Kinderlumper

Mr. and Mrs. Doofenshmirtz | Brobots | Suzy Johnson | Dr. Feelbetter | Lloyd Wexler | Professor Destructicon | Dr. Gevaarlijk | Esmeralda Poofenplotz | The Regurgitator | Biker | Khaka Peü Peü | Busting Candace | Tower | Potato Gremlins | Liam McCracken | Peggy McGee | Random Swimwear (Mittington Random & Klimpalooners) | Professor Mystery | Professor Parenthesis | Mecha-Fleas | Bigfoot | Tyrannosaurus Rex
