Antagonists Wiki

Hi everyone! I'm here with something that will make you really cool! It's a chair! You can like, sit on it, or stand near it, or even dance near it too! It's super cool! It'll make you cool too! So yeah, buy it now. We have limited stock!
~ Bow's catchphrase.

Bow, labeled The Forgotten, was a female character and a (former) main antagonist on Inanimate Insanity. She was first debuted in The Snowdown starring in a commercial for Chairs, and unexpectedly joined the game in Double-Digit Desert.


Bow is a pink hair bow. Her arms are attached to her center part's sides. Although, Bow was yellow when she debuted.

In Journey Through Memory Lane (Part 2), after she escaped the box, she gets feral, and her design changes, as she has eyes with a hole in them, and she is half ripped. Her pink color also became lighter.

When she became a ghost, she becomes semi-transparent, and her sides become ragged. Her legs have been replaced with a ghost tail.


Introduced as a random saleswoman for chairs, Bow is an enthusiastic yet unbelievably stupid, moronic and stubborn attention-seeker with a hankering for stardom. She mostly will have no clue about anything and is very enthusiastic and irrelevant at most times. Bow is almost seen to resemble a typical modern teenage girl, saying "like" and "totally", and texting on her phone constantly. Disregarding her intelligence, Bow is an exceptionally kind contestant who will always run to the aid of her friends, limited to only Marshmallow.

However, Bow has shown to be very persistent about being on the show, as she doesn't leave in Double Digit Desert. Bow appears to have the power to call upon chairs at random times and uses them with shockingly experienced levels. However, chairs can also be seen as her weakness, as shown in The Great Escape, causing her to lose the MePhone Says challenge. She has also shown slight skill at using a lasso.

When locked up in a box after her elimination, Bow's isolation caused her to manifest a feral and ferocious state. She eventually grows strong enough to break free of her box and attacks others in "Journey Through Memory Lane", and almost attacks Marshmallow.

She is eventually cured of her feral state with the re-introduction of a chair, though she immediately loses interest. Her violent state is brought out one last time in order to take down MePhone5, leading to her permanent death.

After her death and conversion to a ghost, Bow's desire for attention becomes destructive for herself and her best friend Marshmallow. She takes upon cruel actions, such as possessing, manipulating, and lying to others, in order to boost her personal outlook. Bow believes that being on the show boosts the quality and perception of characters and, in turn, gives them a better chance to be friends with players such as Marshmallow. Without the show, she claims, she is nothing.



            Object Show Villains

Battle for Dream Island
8-Ball | Blocky | Book | Coiny | Donut | Dora | Evil Leafy | Fanny | Firey Jr. | Flower | Four | Lollipop | Match | Pencil | Robot Flower | Two

Inanimate Insanity
Knife | Nickel | Teddy Bear | MePhone4S | Bow | Toilet | Dough | Taco | MePhone5 | Trophy

Object Mayhem
Burrito | Football | Gun

Brawl of the Objects
The Hacker | Pear

Object Overload
Lighter | Toothy

Object Havoc
Lighter | Plate

Object Lockdown
Moon | Umbrella | Stop Sign | Cherry | Banana

Object Terror
Wallet | Magazine | Smore | Printer

Object Invasion
Ethan | Lamp | Mace | Orange Juice

Paper Puppets/Paper Puppets Take 2
Knight Helmet | Plasma Ball

Yet Another Gameshow
3D-Printed Naily | Kirby Super Star Ultra

Supernova Specialization

Battle for the Respect of Roboty
8-Ball | Broboty | Epic Girl | Tweeny

Nonexistent Living
Magic Wand | Twig | Sharpener | Mug | Thermometer | Picture Frame

Entity Frenzy
Ice Tea | Chroma | Host

Object Filler
Kidz Bop 7 | Windowy 2.0 | Drummy | Club Penguin Logo | Fan

Open Source Objects
Inhaler | Holly

Galactic Conquest
Spray Paint | Star


Castle Wars
