Boomer is the tertiary antagonist of Where's Waldo? episode "Draining the Deep".
When Boomer is unleashed by the pirates to attack Waldo and Woof, he approaches the two to eat them alive. He got stopped by Waldo to put his magic walking stick on his mouth by getting the rock band out which he eat them alive earlier. Boomer redeems to give Waldo and Woof a ride, Pegbeard is outrage over Boomer's betrayal and orders Sidney to load up the cannon to blast the three, but he misses the shot.
While Boomer gives Waldo and Woof a ride, the two sees all of the treasure on a top of the sea and Waldo gets 1957 Mickey Mantle bubblegum card. Boomer brings Waldo and Woof to the singing girls and he swims away.
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