“ | I might just keep eating forever... Keep getting bigger... Until I'm bigger than the whole world. | „ |
~ Bonnie. |
Bonnie was once a regular teenage girl in the Bonnie's Body series who wished to be better than her peers in appearance, leading her to meet a mysterious, mystical gypsy named 'Martha' whom provided her with a potion that would shape her body to an image that she wanted. However, Bonnie's curiosity and greed led her ignored Martha's warning about the potion's unwanted effect should it simultaneously consumed with other food. Because of it, she would wind up growing several times larger than a human being and would continuously grow each time she eat. Worse, the horrific effect on her body would make her hunger unquenchable and drive her to continuously devour anything in her path, even inorganic matter. Bonnie's own hubris also take its toll on her, as she become power hungry and kept eating so she could become a goddess.
Fortunately before Bonnie can consume the entire universe, Martha stepped in and undid all damage that Bonnie caused to entire universe, including reviving those whom she devoured or killed in her rampage. After what she had done to the universe had been reverted, Bonnie was punished with imprisoned and stored on Martha's shelf to be part of Lana's doll collection, presumably for all of eternity.
Early Life[]
Bonnie was once a normal, average sized girl from a small town in Ireland prior to becoming an Azathoth-sized being. After moving to the U.S. to start her career as a photographer, her confidence in her body plummeted. Everywhere in town she looked, there were beautiful women showing off their bodies. Bonnie grew very jealous of not having the body or beauty like those other women and is treated like an outcast.
Quest for Beauty[]
Fed up with feelings of inadequacy, Bonnie set out on a quest to improve her body any way she can. But after seeking out medical help to no avail, Bonnie went to see an mysterious, mystical gypsy named Martha who gives her a potion. Martha advises her not to eat anything when drinking the potion.
Unholy Growth Sprout[]
When Bonnie got home, she was still skeptical about the potion and drinks it as part of her dinner against Martha's warning. But as her first folk-full of dinner landed in her stomach, her body exploded to new and unusual proportions. She became taller and received the improvements to her bosom and hips that she wanted. Bonnie was left in awe upon this, and couldn't help but wonder what happen if she ate more.
After raiding her kitchen, Bonnie's body mass exploded once more, but this time, she grew out of her clothes and her head punched through the roof of her apartment complex as if it was just paper. She quickly spotted a group of horrified witnesses by her feet, which include a girl Bonnie was once jealous of. To get her revenge, Bonnie decided to shallow her whole.
Devouring Entire City[]
Vengeance did not satisfy her hunger. Bonnie began devouring everyone in her block one by one. The more she ate, the larger she became. The subsequent cannibalism, being drunk on power and her new incredible look caused Bonnie to devour even more, to the point where she grew to the size of a kaiju and towered over the entire city.
Bonnie inevitably killed countless innocent people as she began eating skyscrapers. Evacuations were started but for many, it was already too late. Bonnie found out she enjoyed eating and devouring everything in sight, and planned on eating forever and becoming bigger than the entire planet. After she ate most of the city, she fell unconscious.
Wiping out the Military Forces[]
Later when Bonnie woke up, she at first thought her rampage was all a dream and was almost positive that it was until she saw her massive size. The military showed up to take down Bonnie, using everything they have. Unfortunately, all of their weapons were useless against her now durable skin, feeling as if she was being tickled and leaving her laughing, snorting at the air and accidentally inhaling them like dust specks.
Becoming an Eldritch Being[]

Bonnie crushing the Moon.
With the helicopters and military forces mysteriously gone, Bonnie was left wondering what she would do next. She decided to go exploring. Due to her enormous size, she finds out she can easily travel very large distance quickly. Still drunk with power, she easily destroyed her own home city with a single step. But such simple destruction left her bored. She decided to grow even larger by eating more. This time, Bonnie ate an entire volcano along, complete with people and lava, growing to the point where she could cross an entire ocean with a single step. Wanting to grow even more, Bonnie jumped into outer space to grab the moon and smash it entirely before eating it piece by piece.
Afterward, she had outgrown the Earth to where her head was the same size as the planet. She smashed the Earth and ate it like an apple. A small voice scolded Bonnie for callously eating the Earth and not caring about her family and friends left back home. But she continued devouring all the other planets in the solar system, then moved on to the eat the sun whole, resulting in the raw energy from the sun causing Bonnie to outgrow the entire galaxy. However, Bonnie is still not satisfied and has the entire Milky Way within her grasp and without hesitation she devours the galaxy completely and dooming all life within it.
Bonnie is happy that she has all the space to herself as she grows even bigger than before and plans her next move to devour the rest of the universe to show-off her superiority and godhood.
When hope all seemed lost, Martha unexpectedly showed up and stopped Bonnie's rampage by using a mystical crystal ball to shrink the now-eldritch Bonnie to the size of a doll, before giving her to Lana (Martha's niece). To Bonnie's horror, this was done as punishment for her heinous crimes against the universe.

Bonnie's god complex and overly-gluttonous nature.
At the start, Bonnie was a normal teenage girl who was very insecure, timid and jealous about every girl around her who was more beautiful and attractive than her. She was determined to have an attractive body and was obsessed with wanting to fit in places she goes to.
After drinking a supernatural potion given by Martha that starts making her grow into a giantess, Bonnie became addicted to the effects of the potion and kept growing and growing every time she consumed food.
After outgrowing her house, Bonnie's curiosity lead her to become extremely gluttonous, cannibalistic and endlessly vain and egotistical as she started eating innocent people, buildings and everything else around her.
Bonnie seemed to have a very high level of god complex as she loved being a goddess and the joy of being larger than life itself. She was also incredibly selfish and remorseless as she didn't care about the senseless destruction she caused or devouring countless, innocent people and entire planets (Earth included) and galaxies for no reason. Bonnie shows signs of being nihilistic and slow-minded as she never thinks about her actions, as she was so consumed of wanting to eat and devour everything in sight until there is nothing left in existence and even if she succeeded in her goals, she would outgrow the entire multiverse and devour all reality. In the end, she would be the only living being left in all of creation.
Bonnie's god complex and extreme egotism finally caused her to no longer love or care about her friends, family and home planet as she selfishly chose to be an all-powerful goddess and continue satisfying her eternal hunger. She even seemed to hate boredom as she destroyed a whole city just for the fun of it or grow larger to feed her own ego.
Bonnie's endless hunger and appetite caused her to be the most dangerous, destructive force in existence and Bonnie seemed satisfied about everything she's done as a power-hungry goddess.
In the end, she has become nothing more than a narcissistic, omnivorous monster.
Appearance and Traits[]
Bonnie was originally an normal, plump girl with green eyes and brunette hair. However, when she consumes Martha's potion alongside her food against Martha's warnings, Bonnie grows into a huge giantess with unnatural large breasts and hips. Her size seems to depend on how much she ate: the more she ate, the more she grew.
At first, Bonnie grew around 25 feet when her head unexpectedly punched through the ceiling of her apartment, but she ultimately grew larger after devouring her unnamed rival. By the time she was attacked by military forces, Bonnie was so huge that her size was more or less comparable with Cthulhu, but later grew larger than either the Earth or Moon. After Bonnie devoured the sun, she outgrew the entire galaxy and appeared to be able to devour it whole and possibly all reality if Martha had not stopped Bonnie and her rampage before it was too late.
- Bonnie shows similar traits to The Blob:
- Both are flesh-eating giant monsters as they grow bigger every time they digest things, except Bonnie can grow larger much faster and can eat almost everything in her path (including vehicles, buildings, cities, planets and entire galaxies).
- Bonnie is also very similar to Galactus:
- Both became cosmic beings after taking something extremely powerful.
- Both share an endless hunger with no ends.
- Both ended up as the most massive, destructive force in the universe.
- Bonnie is quite similar to Azathoth:
- Both are cosmic entities and cataclysmic beings.
- Both have immortality and are endlessly dangerous.
- Both are absolutely evil and remorseless.
- Both are the strongest and most powerful beings of their universes.
- However the only difference is, Azathoth is a mindless deity who wants to bring utter chaos and despair to the multiverse and rule the outer gods and is not aware of anything he does, while Bonnie is an eternally hungry, nihilistic giantess who wants to outgrow all of reality and devour all of existence. Plus Bonnie is more egotistical, destructive and evil as she doesn't care about her friends and family after devouring them and the Earth whole and is aware of what she is doing and likes doing them for her own pleasure and gain.
- Bonnie is the first giantess in a comic book series to be Almost Pure Evil and a Almost Complete Monster.
- Bonnie is like a younger, darker and more evil version of Nancy Archer from Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.
- Bonnie's personality is like an combination of all the Seven Deadly Sins, mostly Greed and Gluttonly.