Antagonists Wiki

The Bog Monster is an unseen antagonist of Donkey Kong Country TV series episode "Bug a Boogie".


The Bog Monster is only unseen character in this episode where Donkey Kong and Diddy were sent to the forbidden forest as punishment for playing practical joke. At the forbidden forest, DK is terrified of this monster who eats anyone who trespassing his territory. Diddy uses the bog monster roar which scares Donkey Kong and believes he lives in the forest. However, Diddy told DK that there is no such thing as the Bog Monster. Donkey Kong told Diddy that he saw this monster when he was a little monkey which Cranky always warn him not to go to the forbidden forest.

Donkey Kong sings the song about the Bog Monster who can surround someone with his arms, knock over a rhino and scare the bananas. Later when Kaptain Skurvy meets King K. Rool, Diddy uses the Bog Monster roar which can scare the two villains and Donkey Kong in order to retrieve the Crystal Coconut. After Klump and Krusha finds K. Rool who gets stuck in the mud, the real Bog Monster roars behind them from distance.


The Bog Monster has crusty skin, giant claws and dripping fangs. He also has hair with full of maggots, yellow ears and red eyes.


           Donkey Kong Logo Villains

Kremling Krew
King K. Rool | Kritters | Klump | Kip | Kass | Kalypso | Kludge | Krusha | Kudgel | Congazuma | Kackle | Klaptraps | Klobber | Koin | Kosha | Kerozene | Kopter | Kuff 'n' Klout | Kleever | Mega Amp | Dragon Kremling | Kloak | King Kut Out
Allies: KAOS | Very Gnawty and Really Gnawty | Master Necky and Master Necky Snr. | Queen B. | Dumb Drum | Krow | Screech | King Zing | Belcha | Arich | Squirt | Bleak | Barbos | Army Dillo | Dogadon | Gnawties | Zingers | Armies | Slippas | Neckys |

Tiki Tak Tribe
Tiki Tong | Kalimba | Gong-Oh | Maraca Gang | Wacky Pipes | Cordian | Banjo Bottom | Xylobone | Tiki Tong Tower | Tiki Goon | Screamming Pillar | Tiki Buzz | Tiki Pop | Tiki Bomber | Tiki Tank | Tiki Seeker | Tiki Torch | Tiki Boing | Grounder Tiki
Allies: Mugly | Scurvy Crew | Stu | Mole Train | Mangoruby | Thugly | Colonel Pluck | Awk | Toothberry | Squeeklys | Snaps | Chomps | Snaggles | Readybots | Char-Chars

Lord Fredrik | Pompy | Skowl | Ba-Boom | Fugu | Bashmaster | Tuck | Waldoughs | Hootz | Fluff | Lemmington
Allies: Dozy | Buffaloafer | Schnautzel | Swooper Dooper | Ice Dragons

Evil Kongs
Cranky Kong | Donkey Kong | Donkey Kong Jr. | Cactus/Ghastly King | Dread Kong | Karate Kong | Ninja Kong | Sumo Kong | Crazy Kong | Manky Kong | Minkeys | Monkey Robots | False Diddy Kong | Giant Donkey Kong | Pixel Donkey Kong

TV Series
Kremling Krew
King K. Rool | Klump | Krusha | Kritters | Klaptraps (Jr. Klaptrap) | Candy Clone

Kaptain Skurvy | Kutlass and Green Kroc

Eddie the Mean Old Yeti | Polly Roger | Kong Fu | Bog Monster | King Diddy | Evil Funky Kong | Evil Cranky Kong | Evil Candy Kong

Mario | Wizpig | Krunch | Hogs | Tusks | Rocs | Ninjape | Iguanagon | Firefoxes | Insects | Snapjaw | Nitpicker | Spark | Fire Necky | Sassy Squatch | Davy Bones | B. Locker | Krosshair | Kroctopus | Smokey the Dragon | Bluey the Walrus | Bubbler the Octopus | Tricky the Triceratops | Mad Jack | Puftoss | Hard Hat | Chomps | Klubba | Flotsams | Clambos | Squiddicus | Rabbid Kong
