~ Bode revealing he's Force-sensitive to Cal Kestis before their first fight.
I will decide what's best for my family!
~ Bode before fighting Cal and Merrin.
Bode Akuna is the main antagonist of the 2023 action-adventure science fantasy video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Akuna was a Jedi Knight who served as a spy for Republic Intelligence during the Clone Wars. When the Great Jedi Purge was enacted by Darth Sidious, Akuna used his connections to go into hiding. He married and had a daughter, though the Empire's Inquisitorius eventually caught up with him and killed his wife. Wanting to keep his daughter safe, Akuna struck a deal with Imperial Security Bureau agent Lank Denvik to keep him and his daughter sheltered from the Empire in exchange for completing missions for him.
Bode Akuna was a Force-sensitive Human born during the era of the Galactic Republic, a democratic government that had governed most of the known galaxy for nearly a millennia, which was being hampered down by corrupt politicians and businesspeople. Due to his Force-sensitivity, he was inducted into the Jedi Order at a young age and raised in the Jedi Grand Temple on the Republic's ecumenopolis capital planet of Coruscant. The Jedi were a peace-keeping religious order that protected the people of the galaxy by wielding the supernatural abilities of the light side of the Force.
Clone Wars[]
In the year 22 BBY, a galaxy-wide conflict erupted between the Republic and a massive successionist government known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It was named the "Clone Wars," after the manufactured clone soldiers that made up the backbone of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Jedi, despite their traditional role as peace-keepers, controversially became commanders and operatives in the Republic military. During the war, the Jedi High Council assigned Bode Akuna to Republic Intelligence, the Republic's primary espionage and information gathering agency.
Akuna worked closely under an intelligence officer named Lank Denvik, who mentored him on spycraft. Throughout the duration of the war, Akuna became a skilled manipulator and flawless liar. Unknown to most, the war had been orchestrated by the Sith Order, the ancient dark side-wielding archenemies of the Jedi who sought dominion over the galaxy. Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, the head-of-state of the Republic, was secretly a Sith Lord called Darth Sidious. Sidious had orchestrated the war to alienate the Jedi from the general public and to provide an excuse to grant himself executive power.
By 19 BBY, the Confederacy of the Independent Systems was on the backfoot, as Count Dooku and General Grievous, its two principles leaders, had both been slain. Sidious enacted "Order 66," a supreme order that compelled all clone troopers across the galaxy to kill their Jedi allies. Caught completely off guard, a majority of the Jedi Order was wiped out in an instant. Bode Akuna was one of the few Jedi who survived the initial activation of Order 66. He used his espionage skills and the connections he made working for Republic Intelligence to evade the army.
Inquisitorius The Grand Inquisitor |
The Second Sister |
The Third Sister |
The Fourth Sister |
The Fifth Brother |
The Sixth Brother |
The Seventh Sister |
The Eighth Brother |
The Ninth Sister |
The Tenth Brother
Officials and Military Officers Admiral Conan Antonio Motti |
Admiral Garrick Versio |
Admiral Kassius Konstantine |
Admiral Kendal Ozzel |
Captain Bragg |
Captain Lorth Needa |
Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko |
Commander Brom Titus |
Director Armand Isard |
Director Orson Callan Krennic |
Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett |
General Maximilian Veers |
Governor Arihnda Pryce |
Grand Admiral Savit |
Grand Admiral Thrawn |
Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin |
Major General Cassio Tagge |
Moff Gideon |
Moff Raythe |
Moff Tiann Jerjerrod |
Taskmaster Myles Grint |
Vice Admiral Rampart
Operatives and Other Officials Agent Alexsandr Kallus |
Commander Appo |
Commander Crosshair |
Commander Fox |
Commander Gideon Hask |
Commander Iden Versio |
Commander Vult Skerris |
Endo Frant |
Veris Hydan |
Governor Tiber Saxon |
Grand Vizier Mas Amedda |
Grand Vizier Sate Pestage |
Minister Maketh Tua |
Protectorate Gleb |
Scorch |
Senator Orn Free Taa |
Sly Moore |
Tenn Graneet |
Vaneé |
Viceroy Gar Saxon
Soldiers Emperor's Royal Guard |
Stormtroopers |
501st Legion |
Purge Troopers |
Death Troopers |
Imperial Navy Troopers |
Dark Troopers
Affiliates The Client |
Cylo |
Doctor Pershing |
Imperial Navy |
Imperial Special Forces |
Lama Su |
Morgan Elsbeth |
Naare |
Nala Se |
Military Officers Admiral Frantis Griss |
Allegiant General Enric Pryde |
Captain Moden Canady |
Captain Phasma |
Colonel Erich S. Datoo |
Colonel Kaplan |
Commander Gideon Hask |
Commander Pyre |
General Armitage Hux |
General Brendol Hux |
Grand Admiral Rae Sloane |
Major Baron Elrik Vonreg
Officials and Operatives Agent Terex |
Agent Tierny |
BB-9E |
FN-2199 |
Lady Carise Sindian