Bob is a supporting antagonist in the 2012 animated film Frankenweenie.
He is Toshiaki's best friend and minion who is responsible for the creation of the Sea Creatures.
He was voiced by Robert Capron.
Bob is an obese young boy, friend and minion of Toshiaki. Although he is kind and sympathetic, Bob is very gullible and with good reason easily follows others. This kind of personality has gotten him into trouble twice. The first is when he has to act as a guinea pig during a Toshiaki's experiment and he breaks his arm and the second is when he decides, like his friends, to bring to life the Sea Creatures which went wrong and turned around against him.
A student in the same class as Victor Frankenstein, the main protagonist, Bob points out that his father was electrocuted twice by lightning. He then briefly appeared during the baseball game, the day of the death of Sparky, Victor's dog.
Later, in Bob's garage with Toshiaki, Edgar shows them his fish made invisible by Victor, which scares Bob. Then Bob takes Edgar out saying that their science fair project will be much better. However, the two haven't planned anything so grand and Bob believes his Sea Creatures won't be enough to impress. Toshiaki then had the idea of creating a jetpack of sparkling water bottles which he would place on Bob. The experiment is then a failure, and Bob crashes on the ground by breaking his arm. While being taken to the ambulance, he answers with Toshiaki to his mother that they were doing science.
At a conference with Mayor Burgemeister, Bob is by his mother's side while the locals want to dismiss Mr. Rzykruski whom they deem crazy.
Going to the baseball stadium with Toshiaki and Nassor, Bob complains that he broke his arm for nothing and that they will have no chance of winning the science fair. Edgar then joins them and unconsciously reveals Victor's secret.
That evening, Bob follows his friends to Victor's house in his laboratory. He is amazed by all the systems installed by Victor. At home, Bob opens his packet of Sea Creatures eggs and puts them in his pool. The result is unfortunately not what we wanted and the monkey monsters chase Bob down the street. Hiding, he finds Victor at the cemetery and begs him to help him, fighting over priority with Toshiaki. But seeing Shelley, the giant turtle, Bob says it's a bigger problem.
The three of them with Sparky go to the Dutch fair where all the creatures brought back to life attack people. Bob helps Victor to neutralize his creatures by making salty popcorn and all the little monsters explode. Although he finds it cool, Bob receives remains of his sea monkeys, in the face.