Antagonists Wiki
Blackheart 2007

Blackheart is an evil demon and son of Mephisto, and the main antagonist of the 2007 Marvel film called Ghost Rider.


Blackheart is the son of Mephistoles who is trying to usurp his father's throne because he believes his father's throne because he believes his father is weak and old, he goes to earth in search of finding the San Vanganza contract, for him to absorb the 1000 souls and become powerful. With that he also has Gressil, Abigor and Wallow at his side. After that, Ghost Rider faces one by one of the demons. After learning about Ghost Rider's weakness, he then kidnaps Roxanne and proposes an agreement that he find the Contract San Venganza and bring it to San Venganza, thereby sparing Roxanne's life, thereby leaving Blackheart vulnerable. Then he faces Ghost Rider and knocks him out to give him time to absorb all the lost souls, after that his appearance changes and he changed his name also to Legion, although he was more powerful. He was defeated by the Ghost Rider's penance look.
