Bingo is one of the main antagonists of The Banana Spilts Movie. He is an animatronic Gorilla wearing sunglasses who goes on a killing spree after learning about The Banana Spilts Show’s Cancellation.
Bingo starts out as the 2nd member of The Banana Spilts. He performs for children and their families. When Harley and his family go to Taft Studios to see the show live, He is told by Stevie, the show’s co-star, it’s been cancelled, causing him, Fleegle, and Drooper to go on a killing spree. He kidnaps Austin and attempts to attack him, but Beth knocks him off the platform, causing his arm to come off and falls into the set below. Later, when he attempts to corner Harley and his family, Snorky appears and fights him. Bingo rips out Snorky‘s heart, But Snorky is able to crack his head open, killing Bingo. Snorky dies after Harley says he will always be his favorite.