Antagonists Wiki

I don't normally take to kids, but this one's... just special.
~ Billy to Agent Morgan as he abducts Ellie

Billy Flynn, also known as the Prince of The Darkness, is a prolific serial killer-turned-spree killer, burglar and serial rapist (later abductor) in the series Criminal Minds, in which he appeared as the main antagonist in the season five finale Our Darkest Hour and the season six premiere The Longest Night

He is portrayed by legendary actor Tim Curry, who also played Frank-N-Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture ShowWadsworth in ClueLord of Darkness in LegendPennywise The Clown in the 1990 TV adaptation of ItHexxus in FerngullyTaurus Bulba in Darkwing Duck, Long John Silver in Muppet Treasure IslandMaestro Forte in Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas, and Professor Calamitous in The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.


Early life[]

Billy Flynn grew up with his prostitute and drug-addicted mother Nora in the suburbs of South California. She would sometimes pimp her son out to pedophilic customers, but in their free time, the two would often dance together to vinyl records. It's known that Billy has had rotten teeth since childhood, an imperfection he became deeply ashamed of. There's also a strong implication that Billy did not attend secondary school. At the age of 13 in 1968, he shot Nora dead along with a client and was arrested, although got released in 1973 once he turned 18 due to him being a juvenile offender. In 1984 he began to commit burglaries in California, which just so happened to coincide with the first known murders of serial killer Richard Ramirez.

Billy went from robberies to raping and murdering the resident of the houses, although would usually leave one or two victims alive, most often children or women, whom he would first force to bear witness to his crimes. In one of these incidents, the left a boy named Matt Spicer and his-infant sister Kristin alive after killing their parents. He later acquired an RV and left the state to continue his burglaries, rapes and murders elsewhere, claiming victims in nearly every state. In this time he took to heavy smoking and using meth, allowing him to function properly during his nocturnal activities.  

Season 5[]

Billy returned to California in 2010 and continued his raping and killing spree in Los Angeles, which was a way to taunt his surviving victim Matt who was now a police detective and have daughter of his own. After striking in three houses, Billy targets Matt's now grown up sister, who is babysitting his young daughter, ties them up and beats Kristin badly. The BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) eventually makes the connections to Matt, realizing that Kristin and his daughter Ellie are the next targets. Agent Derek Morgan arrives at the address with Matt but they are ambushed by Billy, who handcuffs Morgan. Billy then shoots Matt and kidnaps Ellie. 

Season 6[]

Billy begins to try and make Ellie take part in his robberies and killings, treating her in a manner as if she was his granddaughter. He becomes increasingly disorganized, murdering two random men with a flat tire and getting reckless during his burglaries. The BAU comes to the conclusion, that his stalking of Matt Spicer wasn't done just for thrill or to finish the job, but to get his hands on Matt's daughter. Billy followed the unhinged logic, that for letting the Spicer children live after orphaning them, he had essentially become their father in spirit, thus making Ellie his granddaughter. As a man who has lacked any sort of human connection, he longed for an affectionate relationship of any kind for years, with his primary goal now to raise and dote Ellie as his family, in the only way he knows how, by showing her his way of life. He is unlikely to harm Ellie as a result, but watching and partaking in his break-ins will most likely have a lasting negative effect on her.

During an attempted robbery, Billy is about to rape a victim, when he discovers that Ellie has allowed one of the children to escape and get help. Billy manages to escape with Ellie before an angry mob arrives with intentions of performing vigilante justice. On the radio, Agent Jaureau makes an appeal to Billy revealing that they had identified him and were aware of what his mother did to him, but tell him that this did not excuse his actions. Billy decides to let Ellie go and later breaks into a couples' home and bound and gags them. He is cornered by Morgan in the bedroom, and seemingly for the first time opens up about killing his mother and asks Morgan if he believes in heaven. Despondent and ready to die, Billy points his gun to the couple, which results in Morgan shooting him dead. 
