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Antagonists Wiki
Bibidi % 28Dragon Ball% 29

Bibidi was an evil alien wizard responsible for awakening the demon Majin Buu millions of years prior to Dragon Ball Z. Due to his actions and role, he is the posthumous overarching antagonist of the Majin Buu Saga.

He was voiced by Duncan Brannan.


Though he only appears briefly, Bibidi is the one who created Babidi and awakened Majin Buu, and is thus responsible for the entire Buu story arc. He is also the oldest and earliest villain in the series, for the events that he was involved in predate the rest of the story by millions of years.

After Bibidi awakened Kid Buu from his slumber, he then started taking him from planet to planet to destroy them all in his quest to dominate the universe. Early on, Buu almost recklessly killed Bibidi, who then told the monster that he was his "dad" in an attempt to control him. Later, he took Buu to the world of the Kais, where the monster killed the Western and Northern Supreme Kais, and absorbed the Southern Supreme Kai, becoming Super Buu in the process. He then tried to kill Eastern Supreme Kai, but the Grand Supreme Kai protected him, and when Buu absorbed him, he became the much weaker and less evil Fat Buu due to the goodness of Grand Supreme Kai's soul.

Later, Bibidi created a magical ball to seal Buu inside of between conquests, and eventually brought the ball to Earth. However, before the wizard could release Buu again, Supreme Kai killed him, and the ball of Buu was left dormant for millions of years until his doppelganger Babidi picked up where his "father" left off.


           Dragon Ball transparent logo Villains

Pilaf Gang
Emperor Pilaf | Shu | Mai

Red Ribbon Army
Commander Red | Assistant Black | Captain Dark | Colonel Silver | Colonel Violet | Colonel Yellow | Major Metallitron | General White | General Blue | Murasaki | Buyon | Hasky | Tao Pai Pai

Crane School
Master Shen | Tao Pai Pai | Tien Shinhan | Chiaotzu | Yurin

King Piccolo's Demon Clan
King Piccolo | Tambourine | Piano | Cymbal | Drum | Piccolo Jr.

Akkuman | Bacterian | Bandages the Mummy | Bear Thief | Fortuneteller Baba | Giran | Launch | Man-Wolf (Dragon Ball) | Monster Carrot | Octopapa | Oolong | Orin Temple Bullies | Pirate Android | Puar | Shula | Spike the Devil Man | Vodka | Yamcha | Terror & Plague | Annin

Video Game Exclusive
Towa | Mira | Demigra | Android 21 | Sealas | Mechikabura

King Piccolo | Mai | Oozaru

           Dragon Ball Z Logo Villains

Saiyan Army
King Vegeta | Prince Vegeta | Nappa | Raditz | Illusion Saiyans | Saibamen

Galactic Frieza Army
Frieza | King Cold
Frieza's Elites: Zarbon | Dodoria | Appule | Cui | Orlen | Banan and Sūi | Blueberry | Raspberry | Vug | Bund | Cranberry
Ginyu Special Forces: Captain Ginyu | Burter | Guldo | Jeice | Recoome
King Cold's Elites

Garlic Jr.'s Clan
Garlic Jr. | Garlic
Spice Boys: Spice | Vinegar | Tard | Salt

Red Ribbon Androids
Dr. Gero | Android 19 | Android 17 (Future) | Android 18 (Future) | Android 16 | Cell | Cell Jr.

Babidi's Majins
Babidi | Dabura | Pui Pui | Yakon | Yamu | Spopovich

Majin Buu's Forms
Fat Buu | Super Buu | Kid Buu

Princess Snake | King Moai | Yetti | Raiti & Zaacro | Mr. Shu | Bibidi | Rock | Van Zant and Smitty

Video Game Exclusive
Towa | Mira | Demigra | Android 21 | Sealas | Mechikabura | Fu | Cumber | Hearts | Chamel | Oren

See Also
Dragon Ball Villains | Dragon Ball Movie Villains | Dragon Ball GT Villains | Dragon Ball Super Villains

           Dragon Ball GT logo Villains

Machine Mutants
Baby | Dr. Myuu | General Rilldo | Sigma Force | Nezi | Giru | Dr. Gero | Hell Fighter 17 | Super 17
Luud Cult: Dolltaki | Luud | Mutchy Mutchy | Para Para Brothers

Army of Hell
Frieza | Cell | Nappa | Raditz | Saibamen | Assistant Black | General Blue | Sergeant Metallic | Colonel Yellow | Dock | Android 19 | King Cold | Cooler | Zarbon | Dodoria | Cui | Appule | Captain Ginyu | Jeice | Recoome | Guldo | Babidi | Pui Pui | Yakon

Shadow Dragons
Haze Shenron | Rage Shenron | Oceanus Shenron | Naturon Shenron | Nuova Shenron | Eis Shenron | Syn Shenron

Pilaf Gang
Emperor Pilaf | Shu | Mai

Don Kee | Ledgic | Lord Yao | Mamba | Susha | Torga | Sheela & Gale | Zoonama | Bibidi | Babidi | Majin Buu | Dodoria | Zarbon | Nappa

See Also
Dragon Ball Villains | Dragon Ball Z Villains | Dragon Ball Movie Villains | Dragon Ball Super Villains
