Berkana is one of the main antagonists who appeared in Megaman Xtreme 2 of 2001.
Xtreme 2[]
Little is known about Berkana's former life, nor who created it, she also created her, she worked on the development of Reploids and she created herself a man, Garrett. In her first encounter she reveals that if the mind behind the incident Erasure in Lapuz Island. She also seems to show interest in the Maverick Hunter, more Garrett however, started to get worried as poweful as they could stand and suggested that they be defeated as quickly as possible, more Berkana rejected this idea, saying that she is more interested in researching them than fighting them.
Some time later, X and Zero find it both in Soul Erasure, X confronted Berkana, she then reveals her plan to become the stronger Reploid using the DNA Souls. The Berkana fought against X in intense battle, but nevertheless it was defeated and destroyed, after its disappearance all the souls of the DNA began to return in the bodies of Reploids and thus returning everything to the normal.