Antagonists Wiki
Villain Overview

~ Benson Dunwoody's famous catchphrase.

Benson Dunwoody is the anti-heroic deuteragonist of the 2010-2017 Cartoon Network series Regular Show. He's not really a villain at all in the series but he does act as an antagonist in multiple episodes early on in the series. He serves as the main antagonist of the first three seasons until becoming kinder if still sometimes unreasonable.

He was voiced by Sam Marin, who also voiced Muscle Man in the same series.


Benson is a gumball machine (standing at 5'4” and about 150 pounds) with pinkish-purple gumballs enclosed by a glass dome, sunken eyes and a large, straight nose that just about overlaps his mouth. As seen many times, his gumballs and thus his face turn red whenever he is angered.

During the time montage following the final events of "A Regular Epic Final Battle" and at the 25-year park reunion, Benson has grown grey hair, although still bald on the top of his head, that is tied in a ponytail under a blue hat.


Benson's short temper is usually attributed to the continuous lack of productivity from Mordecai and Rigby on work time, thus he would scream and yell at them in an ear-bleeding way whenever the duo is doing something off-task, often threatening to fire them or at the very least, assign more work and/or refusing to let them have fun. He and Skips are the only serious workers of the park, although he still seems to have a sense of humor as he sometimes shows amusement towards the duo's antics after he calms down. He also joins in on his worker's zany antics off the clock if they do not take things too far. Furthermore, he does show a more generous side by buying dinner for his co-workers. In "Eggscelent", he seems quite arrogant with his job as a park manager, which Mordecai points it out.

Although he is often angry at Mordecai and Rigby, he still considerably likes them, as he has invited them to special celebrations, and most notably in the episode Stick Hockey, he risked himself to help the two. He also admitted the two were cool in Cool Bikes, as he helped saving them from the cool police, and in Eggscellent after Benson down talks Rigby at the hospital only to get punched by Mordecai. Benson later apologizes to him and then started training Mordecai for the omelette challenge. In the episode "Busted Cart", he admitted he never hates them both and he just wanted to push them to do better. Afterwards, Mordecai tells Benson that despite acting like a jerk, he is still a true friend.

In Think Positive, while he was yelling at Mordecai and Rigby after Pops finally allows him to with the anger that was held up for days and released in an ear-deafening way, he mentions he is trying to teach them responsibility. From that point, he also promised to yell less of the time. He, for the most part, kept this promise as while he still screams at the duo whenever they go too far, he generally only does it when they cross the line like when they ruined the Thanksgiving Feast. Even then, he usually forgives them after cooling off. Furthermore, while he mostly targets the duo, he is willing to call out the other workers (except for Pops who he at most, expresses mild annoyance with) such as when Skips damaged Mordecai and Rigby's console once the latter kept bragging after beating him at arm-wrestling.

In later seasons, Benson becomes much kinder and more tolerant aside from a few episodes (e.g. One Space Day at a Time, his aggression returns when he punches Rgby, then Rigby punches Benson back, turning this into a fight.) where he reverts to his former ways. He treats Mordecai and Rigby with much more respect than before, even letting some things slide. His friendship with the latter grows even more as they find out that they relate to each other, and because Rigby eventfully earns Benson's respect after his maturity.


Early Life[]

It is made clear in the series that Benson grew up in a verbally abusive household. During a flashback in "Think Positive," his Family is seen arguing at the dinner table, and given Benson's demeanor, it is likely that this was an incredibly common occurrence. In that same flashback, Benson tries to speak up and ask his father to pass the salt, but apparently does not say it loud enough, leading to his father telling him that he will not get anything in life unless he yells for it. This is presumably the reason for Benson's short temper and constant yelling throughout the series. Another factor for his anger issues could be that his father never approved of Bensons hobbies growing up, as stated in "The Lunch Club" when he states that his father would tell him "you don't have any talent!" and "get a real job!" when he was a drummer.

After leaving his parents' house, Benson would go on to become a Stick Hockey Master under the name "Death Dragon," along with his apprentice, Dave. However, Benson immediately quit after Dave was decapitated by Chong. This would become a part of his past that he would refuse to confront until the events of "Stick Hockey," where he finally defeated Chong and avenged his former apprentice ten years later. After this, Benson became the drummer for the hit band Hair to the Throne, in which he famously performed "The Legendary Drum Solo" on a 150 piece drum kit on the band's first album. However, the band left Benson completely uncredited from the album as a whole, and eventually kicked him out after only 6 months, replacing him with the Drumatron VI.

It is shortly after his experience as a Pro Drummer that Benson becomes manager of the Park. During a flashback in the "Unfinished Business" segment of "Terror Tales of the Park IV," Mr. Maellard is shown introducing Benson to the office in Pops' House, mainly the computer. It is likely that this was his first day as the park manager. It is shortly after this that Benson makes an appearance on the game show "Say That Word," in which he makes it to the final round, where he claims that he will use the prize money to "quit [his] dumb job at the Park." However, Benson ultimately loses after mispronouncing "bandana" as "banana." Having just been nationally humiliated, all of Benson's hair immediately falls out, leaving him bald for the rest of his life until the finale. According to Benson, for years, he could never leave the house without someone handing him a banana.

Life as Park Manager[]

Given the timeline of Benson's life until this point, it is likely that he had been the Park's manager for at least a few years before Mordecai and Rigby were hired. His first shown interaction with them was telling Rigby to not eat on the table, while helping Pops get rid of the chair that the two would go on to play rock, paper, scissors for, against Benson's behest, saying the game is "evil." The two would go on to tie one hundred times, leading to the Park's first major incident caused by the two of them, and Benson's eventual first time threatening to fire them if they did not complete their work, which he would go on to do numerous times throughout almost the entire series.

Mordecai and Rigby very quickly became Benson's least favorite employees. He repeatedly found himself shouting at the two of them for not working, not completing their work, or completing their work poorly. He got so used to this to the point that he became genuinely surprised whenever the two actually did their work properly. But despite all this, Benson deeply cares about Mordecai and Rigby and almost never goes through with his threats to fire them. He has risked his own life repeatedly to save theirs, and to help them out. Like in "Stick Hockey" when he saved Mordecai and Rigby from Chong. Or in "Eggscellent" when Benson helped Mordecai get the Eggscellent hat to save Rigby's life.

"Trapped" in a Dome[]

Benson makes an announcement during a normal park meeting: the Park is going to be sealed in a dome every month in order to create a contained ecosystem. Later he had a plan to rescue his employees infiltrating the park against Dr. Dome and his scientists, because Benson found out their scheme, he rallied the rest of the employees to escape.

It seems the dome has returned, but Benson doesn't notice this, starting to talk about an aftermath meeting instead. Everyone else does notice, and is struck dumbfounded, starting at it. Benson tells Pops to go look for branches and Skips to go get a new kit; the latter responds that it's not going to happen. Benson thinks he won't because it's a long drive; however, Skips turns his head towards the dome, telling him to look up, to which Benson replies with a simple "No..." before saying it twice again, but more panicked.

In a illusion he's holding onto an antenna hanging upside down, looking into a mess of storm clouds which peel away to reveal the Park, in the dome, which resembles Pops now, with the mustache, nose and hat and pink tint in the lines. An above mechanism lowers the button in front of him, expecting him to push it. He stutters, now unsure, as the antenna breaks. He slips, now dangling from the bottom of it, looking down into deep space when a huge button appears below, telling him (with grotesque like teeth) he'll catch him so he doesn't fall, yet Benson insists he shouldn't. It asks him to push it now (as Mordecai and Rigby's arms appear at the bottom) in which Benson declines, making the decision to not push it after all. As soon as he says it, everyone's hands come pull him back to reality.

Staying in the Space[]

They all rush back to the park and see nothing while Benson gets a message saying that to end the experiment, they all need to push the button. Everyone from the high school graduation is walking towards the park, they push the button and immediately try to escape but become trapped in. Everyone begins wondering why and the park gets lifted up flying toward the air. Everyone looks up including: Mr. Maellard, Dr. Langer, Mordecai's parents, CJ, Doug, Mr. Ross and Thomas. The park is now in space and everyone becomes shocked at what just happened. Just then, Eileen comes out of the house in the park holding a banana souffle and becomes yet shocked to where she is right now, the souffle even deflating, much to everyone's surprise. The episodes ends with the park in space and Eileen asking "what's going on" as a dandelion seed flying off into space, as it's revealed that the episode takes place at the immediate start of One Space Day at a Time, much to the viewers' surprise.

Later he orders to his employess and Eileen to find some things connect with the Earth, later he Rigby had a disscussion, but after that they went to the house because a unknown bots wanted to destroy them with their "kindness", later he punishes Mordecai and Rigby to acusse the Reaperbots but later he knew the reaperbots true nature to attack The Park Gang. After that battle, he gets brought with the Space Tree Rangers, but rejects all of the Space Tree and he had a "bad future", but he entered in a simulator to the earth and accepts.

Getting used to staying in Space Tree[]

After he acceppted to stay in the space, he is part from the space rangers, he helped Muscle Man and Ralws to make a vengeful joke against The Space Bush, later he helps Pops in The Dream Warrior to fight his Nightmare Carl (who worked secretly by a enigmatic man similar to Pops), After that, he was broken by Pam and later he finds a rock called Roxy and he fall in love, after that he escaped from Anti-Pops (Pops' evil brother) to find another places to escape from him.

Final Battle, Returning to the Earth, Pops' death and Legacy[]

Later he with his employees accompanied Pops to battle against his evil brother Anti-Pops in Loliland (alongside the Stream and his minions), after Pops' sacrifice, returns to the earth and he he huges Apple Suice, after the return The Park Gang made a funeral for Pops. 25 years later he and Pam are managers of the Park and have new employees, then they make a statue of Mr. Maellard and take a photo for the end.


  • Short Temper: Benson is characterized by his extreme mood swings.
  • Determined: Benson is very single-minded, which only poses as a detriment for himself, as seen in Peeps, Fortune Cookie, and several other episodes.
  • Drummer: It is shown that Benson has a mysterious past where he was formerly a very skilled drummer.
  • Stick Hockey Expert: Benson also has a mysterious past where he was a very skilled stick hockey player, as seen in Stick Hockey.
  • Archery: Benson uses a bow and arrow to defeat monsters. These skills were also used again in "The Dome Experiment" against several scientists and dome-workers.
  • Motorcyclist: Mordecai and Rigby ditch Benson at an arcade and drive off toward the cart dealership, so Benson asks a guy with a motorcycle how much he wants for the bike. He then takes it, and drives full speed trying to catch up to Mordecai and Rigby.
  • Bus Driver: Benson has to drive a bus full of kids to the park for a birthday party.
  • Stingy: Benson is shown to be an occasional cheapskate to his workers. Despite obliging everyone to show up at Karaoke Night, he only offers to treat them with one song each, so the food and drinks are on them. In "Over the Top," Benson would only pay for drinks up to $1.50. He also demands Rigby to pay for the crate of eggs he took during Halloween. However, during his streak of good luck in "Fortune Cookie," he buys the whole cart of food for the gang in the restaurant.
  • Cat Person: Benson seems to be a cat person, due to all the cat portraits inside his apartment. However, this could be incorrect, as seen in "Out of Commission," when Rigby tells Mordecai about a dog they took to Cheezer's, and it ran away. The dog belonged to Benson. In "A Skips in Time", his check book has pictures of cats. In Terror Tales of the Park IV it revealed that he have a pet cat and also have a cat sitter. It shows that in Cat Videos he got addicted to watching cat videos.
  • Lonely: Benson can possibly be looking for a date. In "Grilled Cheese Deluxe," there is a hidden cameo in which Benson is looking at a page on the internet with other gumball machines, but this is only shown for two seconds. He seems interested in Audrey in "Weekend at Benson's." They were a couple for a while but they were revealed to have broken up some time before the events of "The Real Thomas".
  • Slacker: He has only been seen slacking off in "Benson Be Gone," when he slacks off with Mordecai and Rigby instead of following Susan's commands. He also does it a little in "Skips Strikes," when he shouts "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" with the group. Benson also shouts "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" in "Benson Be Gone" after Susan fires him. Benson once again shouts "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" with the rest of the group in "The Real Thomas".
  • Pinball Expert: Benson was shown to be an expert at pinball in "The Christmas Special." He played a pinball machine so the gang could cross the bridge to the lava pit.
  • Partying: Benson finally cut loose after successfully asking Audrey out in "Party Re-Pete", after he was abducted by Party Savers and forced to serve them in clone-form as "Party Benson." By the end of the episode, Mordecai, Rigby and the "Real" Party Pete all admit Benson is the best at partying.
  • Nauseous: Benson displays a tendency to get easily nauseated by a disgusting sight, as seen in "Peeps" and "Terror Tales of the Park".

Sore Loser - As shown in "Dodge This", Benson is very competitive, and when he loses the dodgeball tournament, he doesn't take it well.

  • Drunk on Wings: Whenever Benson eats chicken wings, he tends to talk in a straight-up kind of way, as shown in "Dodge This", "Gold Watch", "The End of Muscle Man", "Benson's Suit", "Men in Uniform, and The Parkie Awards.
  • Trust Issues: As seen in "Blind Trust", Pops brings them to a forest and Mordecai and Rigby have to train him so Benson can trust them. The training escalates when Benson tries to walk away.
  • Unlucky in love: Benson has horrible luck with women, even worse so than Mordecai. His first girlfriend, Veronica, left him in a deleted scene from "Mordecai and the Rigbys", Audrey, whom he got together with in "Weekend at Benson's", broke up with him some time before the events of "The Real Thomas", and in the latter episode, his new girlfriend Natalie/Natalia was revealed to be a Russian spy.

Villainous Acts[]

Since he had to handle Mordecai and Rigby's antics, he often downs talks and usually screams at them and sometimes plans to get revenge on them out of frustration by any means necessary. Not only that, but he also sometimes antagonizes others as well.

Season 1[]

  • Just Set Up the Chairs: Got mad and angrily blamed Mordecai and Rigby for making a mess at the birthday party. He also assigned them the task of setting up the chairs in the first place. In the end, he furiously threatens to fire them unless they clean up the mess. This is understandable, as Mordecai and Rigby were the ones who made said mess.
  • Grilled Cheese Deluxe: When Rigby steals his Grilled Cheese Deluxe and eats it alongside Mordecai, Benson forces them to buy him a replacement sandwich, thus ruining their day off. Rigby eating the first sandwich also kick-started the plot in the first place. Furthermore, he got upset with Rigby when he tried telling him why it took them so long because he thought they were lying again, although that was also understandable, since lying could get Mordecai and Rigby fired.
  • The Unicorns Have Got to Go: After helping Mordecai and Rigby get rid of the Unicorns, Benson hoses them down while angrily berating them for bringing the Unicorns to the house and remind Mordecai to stop spraying that Cologne because that not got to attract any ladies. He then, like most episodes, makes them clean up the mess, but this time, he even threatens to kill them. This is the first time he is shown abusing the two. His anger, however, was justified, mostly on Rigby’s part.
  • Don: He fires Muscle Man angrily just for telling a my mom joke, then forces Mordecai and Rigby to call Rigby's brother Don to stop an audit, despite Rigby's objections because Don steals his (Rigby's) popularity all the time, and when Rigby refuses to respect Don in order to stop the audit, Benson immediately threatens to fire Rigby if he is not nice to Don, thus, abusing his power. On the other hand, he was mostly upset because Rigby kept putting his petty feud against his brother over the park.

Season 2[]

  • Appreciation Day: He refused to give Mordecai and Rigby appreciation plaques, instead giving Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost said plaques while also insulting them in the Book of Park Records, causing the duo to write lies in the book to make Benson like them, to the point where they create Snowballs the Ice Monster, who starts destroying the park. This act wasn’t out of spite, though, considering the whole first season of the show.
  • Peeps: He is so obsessed with making Mordecai and Rigby do work all day that he installed surveillance cameras called Peeps to spy on them, even when they were on break and went to the bathroom. This was the only one episode to portray him as a villain until the arrival of the more sinister Peeps. This shows that he has absolutely no respect for Mordecai and Rigby's privacy whatsoever, and his desire to observe them constantly ends up breaching the privacy of everyone in the park.
  • High Score: He never respects Mordecai and Rigby at all and refuses to give them checks. This is another time he abuses them both. Even when he was about to give them their paychecks, he immediately changed his mind and ripped it up furiously. In all fairness, Mordecai and Rigby deliberately disobeyed him.
  • Temp Check: After Mordecai and Rigby mow the lawn at an Ultimate Frisbee field, Benson angrily tells them to mow it all over again JUST because the grass was an inch too tall. Rigby justifiably complains, but Benson responds by smugly threatening to fire Rigby. Rigby decides to hire Doug (the episode's main antagonist) to do all of his work for him. In the end, Benson angrily punishes Rigby with three months of toilet duty with the threat of firing him yet again, though his anger was somewhat justified, considering that Rigby had lied and scoffed at Doug's words of wisdom encouraging Rigby to be more grateful for what he had.

Season 3[]

  • Stick Hockey: He promises not to give away a stick hockey table if Mordecai and Rigby do their work. Despite that the two finished their work, Benson doesn't keep his word and gives away the table as he assumed that they were not going to do their work, leading them to grow upset with him. However, he later discovers that they are in danger for trying to win it back against Chong. Benson risks his own safety to fix his mistake and retrieve the stick hockey table, making this one of few instances where Benson does something nice for Mordecai and Rigby in first few seasons.
  • Think Positive: When Pops threatens to fire Benson if he continues to yell at Mordecai and Rigby, Benson tries to hold his anger, eventually destroying most of the park and nearly exploding in the likeness of a Super Saiyan. Pops then allows him to let out his anger, causing him to yell so loud at Mordecai and Rigby that he accidentally deafens them.
  • Eggscellent: He down talks Rigby heartlessly, blaming him and Mordecai not working for his condition. Mordecai responds by violently punching Benson and angrily storming out of Rigby's hospital room. Later in the episode, Benson apologizes to Mordecai and corrects his mistake by helping him train for the challenge. He also forgives Mordecai for punching him and does not fire him. While Benson was right in what he said, he still deserved it.
  • The Best Burgers in the World: After Mordecai and Rigby failed to finish their work for an entire week, Benson forces them to finish all of their work before they can go to a food truck to get the Ulti-Meatum, a burger that only comes out every 100 years. This is by far Benson's cruelest role in the show by the fact that he wouldn't let them even go anywhere near the truck until they finished the work. He even beat them down and ate their burgers when they finally managed to buy them (even after defeating holographic versions of themselves). On the other hand, he did have every right to be angry with them considering that they slacked off for an entire week (though one may question why Benson didn't inform them immediately upon missing their chores that week, yet it may be possible that he did warn them but the duo didn't care).
  • Replaced: He briefly replaces Mordecai and Rigby with Jeremy and Chad, unfairly fires them, and flashes a camera at them repeatedly. He then gets his well-deserved punishment when Jeremy and Chad decide to quit the job, and Mordecai and Rigby take the job and flash the camera at him in revenge.
  • Muscle Mentor: He essentially allowed Muscle Man to almost kill Rigby (even though it was implied that Muscle Man was going to save Rigby anyway), and threatened to do the same to Mordecai, who, along with Pops, were worried about their friend. To be fair, Rigby did deserve it for lying and being a loudmouth.
  • Trash Boat: He, along with Mordecai, Muscle Man, Hi Five Ghost, Pops and Skips made fun of Rigby when he changed his name to "Trash Boat". He also threatened to fire Rigby if he didn't wear his nametag so he could make fun of him, showing how much of a jerk he is.

Season 4[]

  • Exit 9B: Although he was brainwashed by Garrett Bobby Ferguson Jr., he was close to angrily killing Mordecai and Rigby when they attempt to reason with him before regaining his memory when Mordecai and Rigby annoy him with his antics. This redeems him, as he signs the document as well.
  • Fireworks Run: When Muscle Man accidentally sets the fireworks off early, he threatens to fire him, Mordecai, Rigby, and Hi Five Ghost unless they bring new fireworks, even though the other three were completely innocent. Then, when they save Benson's life after Hector nearly kills Benson, he yells at them and demands they replace the grass that was burnt from the firework they brought, showing no gratitude for their actions and for topping last year's firework show.
  • A Bunch of Full-Grown Geese: He angrily forces Mordecai and Rigby to get rid of the geese, then at the end of the episode, he yells at Mordecai, Rigby and the baby ducks for destroying the park rather than thanking them for getting rid of the Geese, showing his lack of gratitude. This time, however, he finally gets his karma when the baby ducks' mother scolds him for his actions. He apologizes and walks away, humbled from getting rebuked for being ungrateful for Mordecai and Rigby’s potential murders.
  • Sleep Fighter: He shows no concern over Muscle Man's sleep fighting and the injuries his employees are sustaining, only helping when Muscle Man breaks into his house and beats him up during one of his sleep fighting episodes.
  • Sandwich of Death: He attempted to punish Mordecai and Rigby for eating his Grilled Cheese Deluxe by stealing their sandwich and eating it, unaware that it was the Death Sandwich, which kills those who do not eat it in the correct way. Benson falls ill and almost gets himself killed because of this. He is cured by the end of the episode and survives. However, despite that, it served as unintended karma for Benson for eating Mordecai and Rigby's burgers.

Season 5[]

  • Return of the Mordecai and the Rigbys: When the Park Gang goes into the bathroom, they find out that Benson overheard them and was extremely mad and called them "backstabbers" and left the band. When they are told it was a lie, Mordecai messes with Benson's drum kit and Benson does the same with Mordecai's guitar. They angrily argue over messing with each other's stuff and then begin destroying each other's instruments.
  • Paint Job: When his car gets destroyed, he decides to blame Mordecai and Rigby for it and refuses to pay them for 6 months, which, while technically justified considering the circumstances, is stil illegal.
  • Take the Cake: He storms into Pops's house with Thomas just as Skips finishes patching up the teleporter, launching into an angry tirade about the failed plan. Mordecai and Rigby quickly try to explain themselves, but Benson ignores them and snatches the teleporter. The three wrestle over the device which finally goes off and teleports the cake and everyone else with it out of the room.
  • Gold Watch: He blames Mordecai and Rigby for getting stranded in the desert during a drunken stupor, despite eating the hot wings that intoxicated him on his own accord. Instead of showing concern for the two when he found out they were missing too, he attempts to strangle Mordecai. Thankfully, this is resolved in about 3 minutes.
  • Tent Trouble: He showed some sadistic enjoyment out of watching Mordecai and Rigby getting beat up by Starla and her sister Peggy during the wrestling match, although he did seem to show some sympathy for them later as the fight got more intense.

Season 6[]

  • Lunch Break: He forces Mordecai and Rigby to eat a very long sub sandwich until the end of the day or he will angrily fire them. Mordecai and Rigby found it difficult because they were already feeling satisfied and had to remember past meal challenges to gain motivation, Benson at one point scares them when he tells that he is going to call the move to take Mordecai and Rigby's things to their respective families since it is very likely that they will not succeed. Although this could be justified at first, given that Benson spent a large amount of money because of that sub sandwich that was ordered by Mordecai and Rigby, this ends up being invalidated since in the end Mordecai and Rigby end up eating the sub sandwich completely. Furthermore, Benson himself had said he'd pay for anything they asked and could have simply called them and have them order something less expensive. Benson sarcastically congratulates them and as a "reward", he forces them to run 50 laps on the newly repaired basketball court immediately since they didn't help finish it and threatens to fire them. This is done despite the reason they didn't help with the basketball court was they were eating the sandwich Benson had forced them to eat.

Season 7[]

  • Lunch Club: After once again getting blamed for Rigby’s behavior by Mr. Maellard, the duo get drunk on wings, have fun, and insult Maellard instead.
  • The Button: Benson has arrived on the scene, heading for the button now. He runs in from one direction, and everyone else comes in from another. Benson reaches it first, seeing that no one's guarding it, either, when he arrives. He screams Mordecai and Rigby's names to the sky, yanks off a velvet rope, and walks up to it, insisting he'll push it. He does start hesitiating, and then gets flashbacks of Langer, Maellard, and even Dr. Dome! He's having second thoughts. He rubs the button, wondering what it's a test for, when Mordecai's voice calls out to him, telling him not to push it. Rigby tells him that they were taking to the dome guys, telling him they say it's a test. Fives and Pops's vices start echoing around Benson hearing it's a test and that they can't trust those guys. Benson's not listening, growing angry, insisting they're lying. and that they're testing him too. Mordecai tries to reassure him, but the floor cracks away and the rope falls into the chasm, leaving a hole between Benson and everyone else. Benson insists he's the boss here, and, turning to the button, he'll make a decision. Mordecai insists to Benson that they are his friends. Then he tries to tell him that Maellard said he would be fired if he pressed it, but Benson writes some of it off as gibberish when Mordecai turns into a scientist in a blue jay suit. When Rigby tries to talk to him, they all morph into scientists in the respective costumes (similar to the original Experiment when they tried to fool Benson). He wishes he could know what they're saying as it's all gibberish at the moment, but a Rigby-like echo voice tells him it doesn't matter and that they're just like the dome guys - trying to trick him. Benson hesitates yet again, stepping back to try and think. Unfortunately, he loses his footing and falls into the chasm.
  • Lame Lockdown :Benson complains about Mordecai and Rigby to Skips, which makes Skips points out that he's not actually mad at Mordecai and Rigby but Doctor Langer since he's technically the boss now and not him. Benson denies this, right before getting an alert that the dome door is malfunctioning. While flipping through the channels, Skips sees Mordecai and Rigby on TV which he then flips to a pizza commercial so Benson doesn't see.
  • Back at the interview, one of the members of Mercury Heat is seen going into a crying fit, and telling the crew to turn off the cameras. The group then tells Mordecai and Rigby that that was the best interview they ever had, and then ask them if they wanted to party on their private jet which they graciously agree to. Back at the park Benson goes to the dome door where he finds a rock propping it open, to which Benson immediately realizes is the doing of Mordecai and Rigby. Pops sees this through his binoculars and then proceeds to call them on the Jet.On the Jet, Rigby mentions to a Mercury Heat member how he's trying to graduate High School to impress his dad, to which he somberly praises him saying "all the fans in the world can't replace a father's love". He then cheers them up with a barrel roll flipping everyone in the jet. Pops then calls them telling them that the jig is up, stressing Mordecai and Rigby as they wouldn't be able to get back to the park in time, to which Mercury Heat answers with giving them glider suits. Benson kicks his way up to Mordecai and Rigby's room, to see Pops moving dummies shaped like Mordecai and Rigby, feigning ignorance on the matter.

Season 8[]

  • One Space Day at a Time: Benson starts to yell again, saying that they’re going to die, then it turns to a panic, yelling they are drifting in space with no way to communicate with Earth, and he suddenly blames Rigby for them getting stuck in space. Rigby points out Benson pressed the button as well, Benson says that Rigby's hand was on top of his, and Rigby insists he was going with the flow. Benson is annoyed by this statement, and shoves Rigby to show him how he "goes with the flow", which leads to Rigby punching Benson in the face in turn, and everyone else is shocked.
  • Cool Bro Bots: Benson orders to Mordecai and Rigby that they go to the dome house because they 2 accused the Cool Bro Bots for being Reaperbots.
  • Welcome to the Space: Benson starts to complain how he and others are forced to be stuck in space and far away from their home planet. But the others thought it's something exciting to live and explore the galaxy. This further's Benson's frustrations again leaving his barrack. Which worries the rest of them. A while later, Recap Bot takes the Park Crew for a tour around the station; guiding them to several places: Shooting Range, Simulation Room, Food Court etc. Many were, but Benson still complaining about the whole space thing he must live. Benson angrily tells Rawls that he can't stay here, in response, Rawls destroys Benson's papers, this leads Benson to get ultimately frustrated and leave the room in anger. The gang tried to get Benson stay at the station, but Benson still refusing, right before Benson leaves, they give him VCRs video to change his mind. Benson refuses and goes into the pod, where he returns to Earth.

Regular Show: The Movie[]

  • In Regular Show: The Movie, Benson Gets angry because Mordecai and Rigby barely keep themselves from being fired when they run late for work due to getting breakfast burritos from a food truck.

Benson-Themed Content[]

  • Benson's Apartment (Some episodes)
  • Benson's Drum Set ("This Is My Jam")
  • Benson's Family ("Think Positive")
  • Benson's House Rules ("House Rules")
  • Benson's Office (Some episodes)
  • Benson's Outfit
  • Benson's Car ("Party Pete," "Over the Top," "Skips Strikes," "Fortune Cookie," "Picking Up Margaret" and "Benson's Car")
  • "Benson Be Gone" (Episode that focuses around Benson and Susan)
  • Benson's 150 Piece Kit Drum set ("150 Piece Kit")


Maybe if you'd been working like you were suppose to, none of this would've happened.
~ Benson heartlessly blaming Mordecai and Rigby's laziness after the latter landed in a coma.
No you don't! You're not getting that chair! But here's what you do get. You get to flip that cart back over, you're throwing that chair away, and then your cleaning up this whole MESS!!!!!! Pops you're coming with me, and you two idiots, if this isn't cleaned up when I get back, YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!
~ Benson angrily accuses Mordecai and Rigby in the pilot.
~ Benson tells Mordecai and Rigby to clean up the mess, or otherwise he's going to fire them.
YOU IDIOTS! That's the last time I entrust you with something important, LIKE THE CHAIRS!!
~ Benson.
I can't believe you idiots let those unicorns in here. You two morons have better get this mess cleaned up or I'll make you wish it was YOU DRIVING THAT CAR!!!
~ Benson yelling at Mordecai and Rigby while spraying the two with a hose.
No you won't! You be nice to your brother or YOU'RE FIRED!
~ Benson.
No he didn't buy it! Now get off your lazy butts, and GO GET ME ANOTHER GRILLED CHEESE DELUXE!!!
~ Benson after finding out that Rigby took his sandwich.
I'm the only one around here who hires and fires! So if you really don't want to do your own job, I'd be glad to accommodate you. Otherwise, you're on toilet duty for the next THREE MONTHS!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!"
~ Benson.
I don't hate you. I just hate some of the things you do! Okay, I really hate some of the things you do. I know you don't mean them, but I'm your boss and it's my job to push you to do better.
~ Benson gets honest with Mordecai and Rigby.
EXCUSES, EXCUSES! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TRUST YOU, WHEN ALL YOU GIVE ME ARE EXCUSES?! WHEN ARE YOU TWO GONNA LEARN, THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES?! CONSEQUENCES THAT AFFECT OTHER PEOPLE! (voice breaking) Like me! Don't you two understand? I'm about to lose my job! You may not care about keeping your jobs, but I care about keeping mine! Cause if I lose my job, I have nothing! Do you hear me? I have nothing! (cries) … Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take my last bathroom break as an employed man.
~ Benson's breakdown after Mordecai and Rigby let him down.
~ Benson letting out all his destructive anger.
~ Benson


  • Benson, Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost were the show's main antagonists in early seasons. In later seasons, he is only an antagonist when he goes too far or briefly reverts back to his old ways.
  • Although he didn't appear in the episode Rigby's Body, it appears that he made Mordecai and Rigby work at the Snack Bar to pay off all they ate (because only Pops, the unofficial owner and Benson's other boss, can have free snacks while working there).
  • In Stick Hockey, it was shown that he was once a coach, until his student was killed during a tournament. He then implies that the whole sport supposedly lead him to his current job.
  • Benson is spoofed in one episode of the TV show, MAD TV. In the episode, Benson appeared in a snippet called "Celebrities Without Their Make-Up", and said that actor Zack Galifianakis "looked like a regular guy" without make-up, and a make-up brush paints Benson's face of Galifianakis' face.
  • Sam Marin, Benson's voice actor, almost sounds like the younger version of Doug Lawrence, the voice of Plankton and Edward Platypus.
  • Benson is most likely to be in his 30s for most of the series until the finale.
  • He is revealed to have a crush on his neighbor, Audrey, who made her debut in the season three episode, "Weekend at Benson's". They started dating and formed a relationship but eventually broke up.
  • In Dumptown USA, it was revealed that Benson has been to the town of the same name before and got over multiple break-ups there (including his break-up with Audrey). While he appeared to have enjoyed his time there, it is more than likely his responsibility as park manager was what brought him back.
  • In Think Positive, it was revealed that Benson's family angrily told him that he wouldn't get what he wanted in life unless he yelled for it, explaining his personality and anger issues. Part of his character arc involved him losing this mentality. He also got his anger issues from being yelled at and blamed by Mr. Maellard for Mordecai and Rigby’s shenanigans.

See also[]


           WBLogo Villains

Animated Features
Meowrice | Meowrice's Henchmen | Smaug | Gollum | Sauron | Witch-king of Angmar | Lord of the Lash | Ommadon | Bryagh | Boogaloo Jones | Solly | Mouse King | Mouse Queen | Joker | Phantasm | Salvatore Valestra | Arthur Reeves | Chuckie Sol | Buzz Bronski | Grundel Toad | Berkeley Beetle | Mr. Mole | Mrs. Toad | Ms. Fieldmouse | Queen Gnorga | King Llort | Drake | Leopard Seal | Mr. Swackhammer | Monstars | Darla Dimple | Max | Mrs. Prysselius | Thunder Karlsson and Bloom | Ruber | Griffin | Ruber's Minions | Bladebeak | Eric Cartman | Saddam Hussein | Sheila Broflovski | Satan | Mr. Garrison | Chef | Randy Marsh | Shelley Marsh | Gerald Broflovski | Kent Mansley | Kralahome | Master Little | King Salazar | The Jokerz (Dee Dee Twins, Chucko & Woof) | Count Grisham | Cheswick | Black Mouth | Brutus | Thrax | Mayor Phlegmming | Thrax's Henchmen | Mojo Jojo | Gangreen Gang | Two Cerppy Face | Major R. Minlkes | Mr. Chairman | Bob Smith | Robo Dog | Anubis | Seto Kaiba | Dark Yugi | Pegasus J. Crawford | Mokuba Kaiba | Marik Ishtar | Ebenezer Scrooge Puppet | Outback Ollie | Rico and Mikey | Barkis Bittern | Maudeline Everglot | Finis Everglot | Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Mister Mxyzptlk | Stan Beals | Wasps | Noah the Elder | Leopard Seal | Killer Whales | Skull Claw | Sigmas | Aguila | Stone Generals (Gato, Mono & Serpiente) | Karai | Foot Clan | Grendel | Grendel's Mother | Dragon | Eddy's Brother | Kanker Sisters | Kevin | Sarah | Surtr | Skull Red | Nyra | Kludd | Allomere | Jatt and Jutt | Pure Ones | Doomberg | Lorenzo Carvahal and Diaz Arnesto | Gil Yepes | Lord Business | The Man Upstairs | Super Secret Police (Bad Cop & Sheriff Not-A-Robot) | Duplo Aliens | Mr. Ross | Future Mordecai | Rigby | Benson Dunwoody | Muscle Man | Hunter | Pigeon Toady | Wolf Pack | Penguins | Joker (Lego) | Harley Quinn (Lego) | Phantom Zone Criminals (Zod, Sauron, Kraken, Lord Voldemort, Agent Smith, Jaws, Gremlins, Medusa, Lord Vampyre, Wicked Witch of the West, Flying Monkeys, The Swamp Creature & Daleks) | Catwoman (Lego) | Poison Ivy (Lego) | Two-Face (Lego) | Bane | Riddler | Salvatore Maroni | Count Dracula | Imhotep | Lord Garmadon | Slade (Teen Titans Go!) | Balloon Man (Teen Titans Go!) | Lex Luthor (Teen Titans Go!) | Stonekeeper | Rex Dangervest | Finn and Bianca’s Mother | Velociraptors (Lego) | Foot Clan (Shredder) | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT), Ubu (Batman vs. TMNT) & Talia al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT)) | Joker (Batman vs. TMNT) | Harley Quinn (Batman vs. TMNT) | Scarecrow (Batman vs. TMNT) | Mr. Freeze (Batman vs. TMNT) | Poison Ivy (Batman vs. TMNT) | Bane (Batman vs. TMNT) | Two-Face (Batman vs. TMNT) | Penguin (Batman vs. TMNT) | Hexagon (Trigon (TTG) & Trigon (Original)) | Spinel | Pink Diamond | Scorpion | Quan Chi | Shang Tsung | Goro | Shao Kahn | Kano | Baraka | Reptile | Moloch | Motaro | Dick Dastardly (2020) | Muttley (2020) | Rotten Robots | Dusty | Cerberus | Terrance Mendoza | Butch | Al-G Rhythm | Pete | Goon Squad | Katz | Le Quack | Eustace Bagge

Live-Action Films
Prince John | Freddy Krueger | Sir Guy of Gisbourne | High Sheriff of Nottingham | Dickon Malbete | Bishop of the Black Canons | Wicked Witch of the West | Kasper Gutman | Joel Cairo | Major Heinrich Strasser | Signor Ugarte | Signor Ferrari | Rhedosaurus | Giant Carpenter Ants | Alex's Droogs (Alex DeLarge) | Billy Boy | Scorpio | Toecutter | Toecutter's Gang (Bubba Zanetti, Nightrider & Johnny the Boy) | Overlook Hotel | Jack Torrance | Hotel Caretaker | Lorraine Massey | Lord Humungus | Lord Humungus' Marauders (Wez) | Roy Batty | Pris Stratton | Leon Kowalski | Zhora Salome | Nathan Grantham | Cujo | Socs (Bob Sheldon, Randy Adderson, Paul Holden & David) | Mrs. Cade | Scut Farkus | Grover Dill | Stripe | Ruby Deagle | Gremlins | Mama Fratelli | Jake Fratelli | Francis Fratelli | Mr. Perkins | Troy Perkins | Aunty Entity | Ironbar Bassey | Miss Finch | Sam and Sid Sleaze | Francis Buxton | Albert | Audrey II | Orin Scrivello | Gunnery Sergeant Hartman | Private Gomer Pyle | Door Gunner | Mr. Igoe | Max | David | Sergeant Nagata | Peter Dellaplane | Harlan Rook | Beetlejuice | Sandworms | Hughie Warriner | Gale Nolan | Thomas Perry | Richard Cameron | The Joker | Bob the Goon | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Vinnie Ricorso | Joe Chill | Howard Hyde | Walter Boyett | Zack Gregory | Witches (Grand High Witch, Susan Irvine, Nicola Cuttle, Pamela, Lois Leffour, Mildred, Elizabeth, Henrietta, Jacqueline & Beatrice) | Brain Gremlin | Daffy | George | Greta | Lenny | Secretary Gremlin | Bat Gremlin | Electric Gremlin | Cushing Catheter | Jimmy Conway | Tommy DeVito | Paul Cicero | Henry Hill | Billy Batts | Tuddy Cicero | Parnell Edwards | Fat Andy | Jimmy Two-Times | Robert McMahon | Joe Manri | Frankie Carbone | Michael Franzese | Sheriff George of Nottingham | Guy of Gisbourne | Mortianna | Bishop of Hereford | Funekei Yoshida | Sato | Tanaka | Muto | Ito | Hardboy | Hagata | Earl Talbot Blake | Kim | Fence Shooter | Heather Evans | Penguin | Max Shreck | Catwoman | Red Triangle Circus Gang | Charles Rane | Sabrina Ritchie | Forget | Vincent | Matthew | William Strannix | Peter Krill | Daumer | William Foster | Nick the Neo-Nazi | Switchblade Sam | Pod People | Dial | Dr. Charles Nichols | Simon Phoenix | Raymond Cocteau | Frederick Sykes | Sidney J. Mussburger | Aloysius | Ray Finkle | Vinnie and Roc | Samuel Norton | Byron Hadley | Bogs Diamond | Elmo Blatch | Sisters | Lawrence Van Dough | Ferguson | HAL 9000 | Lestat | Armand | Santiago | John Milner | Bill Wilcox | Ilya Pavel Kazak | Rosa | Leonid Volkov | Zhukov | Stefan | Emilio Juantorena | Navigator | Codebreaker | Baker | Clarice Kensington | Miss Minchin | Jack Mac Gruder | Riddler | Two-Face | Sugar | Spice | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Neon Gang | Salvatore Maroni | Travis Dane | Marcus Penn | Miguel Bain | Vincent Cadby | Neil McCauley | Waingro | Roger van Zant | Jonas Miller | Daniel Harper | Robert Deguerin | Mr. Swackhammer | Monstars | Martians (Martian Leader, Martian Ambassador & Martian Girl) | Yolanda Saldívar | John Wesley | Wesley's Whalers | Poison Ivy | Mr. Freeze | Bane | Jason Woodrue | John Milton | Christabella Andreoli | Lloyd Gettys | Grant Frost | Dr. Philip Adams | Agent Smith | Cypher Reagan | Agents (Agent Jones, Agent Brown & Agent Johnson) | Dr. Arliss Loveless | Susan McCallister | Jim Whitlock | Mako Sharks | William Wharton | Percy Wetmore | Kathy Morningside | Jeremy Melton | Lewis Strutt | Stanley Jobson | Gabriel Shear | Mr. Tinkles | Calico | The Russian | Thrax | Mayor Phlegmming | Thrax's Henchmen | Alonzo Harris | Roger | Lord Voldemort | Quirinus Quirrell | Draco Malfoy | Severus Snape | Mountain Troll | The Dursleys | Terry Benedict | Burke Bennett | Frank Stokes | Merv Green | Buggy Ding Dong | Parade of Hope | Rainbow Randolph | Morlocks (Über-Morlock) | Richard Haywood | Justin Pendleton | Walter Finch | Scrappy-Doo | N' Goo Tuana | Zarkos | Demons | Luna Ghost | Akasha | Spiders (Consuela & Tank) | Mayor Wade | Alistair Pratt | Jeannine Richardson | Jack Ferriman | Francesca | Lucius Malfoy | Basilisk | Gilderoy Lockhart | Acromantula (Aragog & Acromantula Colony) | Salvatore Maggio | Frankie Lombardo | Mr. Smith Mr. Gray | Byrus | Machines (The Architect) | The Merovingian | Agent Thompson | Agent Jackson | Twins | Bane | Vamps | T-X | T-1 | Skynet | Deus Ex Machina | Trainman | Mr. Chairman | Bob Smith | Robo Dog | Henry James | Jay McPherson | China | Luther | Martin Asher | Jonathan Jacobo | Peter Pettigrew | Dementors | Marge Dursley | Patience Phillips/Catwoman | Hedare Beauty (Laurel Hedare & George Hedare) | Clara Dalrymple | Sir Trenton | Trenton's Pride | Gabriel | Mammon | Balthazar | Lucifer Morningstar | Bo Sinclair | Vincent Sinclair | Guy of Lusignan | Raynald of Châtillon | Ra's al Ghul | Scarecrow | Carmine Falcone | League of Shadows (Decoy of Ra's al Ghul) | Victor Zsasz | Arthur Slugworth | Dr. Bernard Merrick | Tom Lincoln | Boss Hogg | Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane | Barty Crouch Jr. | Nagini | Bellatrix Lestrange | Bill Cox | V | Adam Sutler | Lewis Prothero | Norsefire | Peter Creedy | Anthony Lilliman | Light Yagami | Lex Luthor | German Drinking Team | Cherry | Sister Summersisle | Frank Costello | Arnold French | Colin Sullivan | Captain Vidal | Pale Man | Colonel Coetzee | Captain Poison | Oliver Potter | Zodiac Killer | Arthur Leigh Allen | Xerxes | Willy Bank | Dolores Umbridge | Cornelius Fudge | Karen Crowder | Sam | Steven Wilkins | Mr. Kreeg | Laurie | Macy | Alpha Male | Darkseekers | Sweeney Todd | Nellie Lovett | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Jonas Fogg | Adolfo Pirelli | Royalton Industries (Arnold Royalton & Cruncher Block) | Snake Oiler | Agent 23 | KAOS (Siegfried) | Dalip | Shtarker | Joker | Two-Face | Sal Maroni | Gambol | Joker's Thugs | Spider | Smokie | Babyface Killer | T-RIP | Serena Kogan | Principal Deedle | Ezekial Gallows | Prudence Prufrock | Lord Henry Blackwood | Lord Coward | Irene Adler | Esther Coleman | Decoy Queen | Mr. Black | Rolf Woods | Kitty Galore | Paws | Mayor Brown | Chief of Staff | Carnegie | Gwen Lieber | Wanda Grubwort | Lake Monster | Mal Cobb | Rodney Cole | Martin B | Elizabeth Harris | Blue Jones | James Moriarty | Sebastian Moran | Keith Clayton | Angelique Bouchard | Dr. Julia Hoffman | Collins Family | Bane | Talia al Ghul | Barsad | Catwoman | John Daggett | Hades | Kraken | Acrisius | Medusa | Prokopion | Charon | Kronos | Ares | Cyclopes | Minotaur | Makhai | Azog | Smaug | Witch-king of Angmar | Sauron | Gollum | Mickey Cohen | Tom Buchanan | Jay Gatsby | Myrtle Wilson | George Wilson | Daisy Buchanan | General Fallon | Giants | Lord Roderick | Wickie | Precursors | Kaiju (Trespasser, Knifehead, Mutavore, Otachi, Leatherback, Raiju, Scunner, Onibaba & Slattern) | Bathsheba Sherman | Annabelle the Doll | Pearly Soames | Lucifer | Artemisia | M.U.T.O. | Mimics | Disciples of the Ram (Annabelle Higgins & Thin Man) | Dr. Mann | Balem Abrasax | Titus Abrasax | Immortan Joe | Cult of the V8 (Rictus Erectus, Prime Imperator, Bullet Farmer, People Eater, Organic Mechanic, Coma-Doof Warrior, Nux, Slit, Ace, Morsov & War Boys) | Daniel Riddick | Susan Riddick | Tyler Harne | Deputy Stack | Emilio | Victoria Vinciguerra | Valak | Léon Rom | Lamar Blackburn | Braxton | Gellert Grindelwald | Credence Barebone | New Salem Philanthropic Society (Mary Lou Barebone) | Skullcrawlers (Skull Devil) | Preston Packard | King Vortigern | Mordred | Wallace Corporation (Niander Wallace & Luv) | It | Bowers Gang (Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Belch Huggins & Vic Criss) | Alvin Marsh | Butch Bowers | Leonard Dekkom | Duncan Taylor | Phoenix Buchanan | Mathias Vogel | Ana Miller | Nolan Sorrento | Innovative Online Industries (I-R0k, F’Nale Zandor & Sixers) | Claire Wyden | Brett Wyden | George, Ralph and Lizzie | Damian Lewis | Jack Morris | Duke of St. Carta | Vinda Rosier | Abernathy | Queenie Goldstein | Shere Khan | Tabaqui | La Llorona | Patricia Alvarez | Howard Clifford | Ditto | Sebastian | Ann Laurent | King Ghidorah | Rodan | Alan Jonah | Asher Jonah | Emma Russell | The Bride | The Black Shuck | The Ferryman | The Samurai | Toy Monkey | Maryville Cemetery Ghosts | Critters | The Banana Splits (Fleegle, Drooper, Snorky & Bingo) | Poppy | Karl | Leo | Cry Baby | Kelly | The Principal | The Biology Teacher | Webby Garton | Steven Dubay | Chris Unwin | Tom Rogan | Arthur Fleck | Penny Fleck | Clowns (Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Wall Street Three | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend | Rose the Hat | The True Knot | Andrei Sator | Priya Singh | Zelda | Consuella | Esmerelda | Saoirse | Terrance Mendoza | Butch | Mechagodzilla | Apex Cybernetics (Walter Simmons, Ren Serizawa & Maia Simmons) | Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Mileena | Reiko | Kano | Kabal | Goro | Reptile | Nitara | Shao Kahn | Al-G Rhythm | Pete | Goon Squad | Baron Vladimir Harkonnen | Count Glossu Rabban | Piter de Vries | Helen Mohiam | Gabriel | The Analyst | Riddler | Penguin | Carmine Falcone | Joker

Animated Television
The Grinch | Cousin Mel | I.M. Slime | Snow Miser | Heat Miser | General Parvo | Werewolves | North Wind | Hervnick Z. Snerz | Goat | Yes-Man | The Dooka of Yookia | The Dookess of Zookia | Philip Trousers | Marilyn Blouse

Live-Action TV
Father Blackwood | Agatha Night | Aphophis | Batibat | Billy Marlin | Satan | Lilith

Video Games
Sauron | Black Hand of Sauron | Celebrimbor | Tower of Sauron | Hammer of Sauron | Children of Arkham (Vicki Vale, Oswald Cobblepot & Blockbuster) | Catwoman | Two-Face | Falcone Crime Family | Joe Chill | Victor Zsasz | Mr. & Mrs. Vale | Gotham Criminal Triumvirate (Thomas Wayne, Hamilton Hill & Carmine Falcone) | The Pact (Riddler, Harley Quinn, Bane, Mr. Freeze, John Doe & Eli Knable) | The Agency (Amanda Waller & Roger Harrison) | Rumi Mori | Willy Deever | S.A.N.C.T.U.S. | Zog the Eternal | Brûz the Chopper

Daffy Duck | Sylvester | Tasmanian Devil | Wile E. Coyote | Elmer Fudd | Yosemite Sam | Marvin the Martian | Instant Martians | Gossamer | Tom | Jerry | Spike | Butch

Crazy Taxi Driver | Cry Baby | Big Bad Wolf | Mr. Potato Head

See Also
A. Film Production Villains | Adventure Time Villains | Amblin Entertainment Villains | Aquaman Villains | Archieverse Villains | Arkhamverse Villains | Arrowverse Villains | Batgirl Villains | Batman Villains | Batman Beyond Villains | Batwoman Villains | Ben 10 Villains | Birds of Prey Villains | Black Lightning Villains | Blade Runner Villains | Blue Beetle Villains | Blumhouse Productions Villains | Captain Planet Villains | Cartoon Network Villains | Castle Rock Entertainment Villains | Catwoman Villains | Cats & Dogs Villains | Christopher Nolan Villains | Constantine: The Hellblazer Villains | Danmachi Villains | DC Animated Universe Villains | DC Animated Movie Universe Villains | DC Extended Universe Villains | DC Super Hero Girls Villains | DC's Legends of Tomorrow Villains | Die Hard Villains | Doom Patrol Villains | DreamWorks Villains | Dune Villains | Eraser Villains | Flash Villains | Game of Thrones Villains | Gotham Villains | Green Arrow Villains | Green Lantern Villains | Gremlins Villains | Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe Villains | Harley Quinn Villains | Harry Potter Villains | Injustice Villains | Johnny Test Villains | Justice League Villains | Justice League Dark Villains | Justice Society Villains | Laika Villains | Legendary Entertainment Villains | Legion of Super-Heroes Villains | Lethal Weapons Villains | Loonatics Unleashed Villains | Looney Tunes Villains | Lucifer Villains | Mad Max Villains | Melanie Martinez Villains | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Villains | Middle-Earth Villains | MonsterVerse Villains | Mortal Kombat Villains | New Line Cinema Villains | Pacific Rim Villains | Peacemaker Villains | Pokémon Villains | Powerpuff Girls Villains | Primal Villains | Regular Show Villains | Rick and Morty Villains | Robin Villains | Robot Chicken Villains | Rush Hour Villains | Samurai Jack Villains | Sesame Street Villains | Scooby-Doo Villains | SHAZAM Villains | Sherlock Holmes Villains | Smallville Villains | South Park Villains | Space Jam Villains | Static Shock Villains | Steel Villains | Stephen King Villains | Steven Universe Villains | Studiocanal Villains | SWAT Kats Villains | Suicide Squad Villains | Supergirl Villains | Superman Villains | Swamp Thing Villains | Syfy Villains | Teen Titans Villains | Telltale Batman Villains | Terminator Villains | The Addams Family Villains | The Banana Splits Movie Villains | The Conjuring Villains | The Hangover Villains | The LEGO Movie Villains | The Matrix Villains | Tim Burton Villains | Tiny Toon Adventures Villains | Tom and Jerry Villains | TMNT Villains | Village Roadshow Pictures Villains | Watchmen Villains | Wild Wild West Villains | Wonder Woman Villains | Xiaolin Showdown Villains | Yu-Gi-Oh! Villains | Young Justice Villains

           Cartoon Network 2010 logo Villains

Code Lyoko
XANA | William Dunbar | Men in Black | Scyphozoa | Laura Gauther

TV Movie Villains
Albadon | Astaroth | Troy Adams | Steve | Big Rob | White Diamond | Spinel | Sonny Appleday | Grandfather | Father | Senior Citi-zombies | Agent Trout | National Wildlife Control | Pizza Rat

Crossover Villains
Lord Fuse | The Announcer's Remote Control | Delightful Reaper | Alpha | Strike

Sym-Bionic Titan Villains
General Modula | Galalunan Commander

What A Cartoon!
Yuckie Duck | Sledgehammer O'Possum | Dogg | Big Bad Wolf | Wind Up Wolf | Luther | Fox Chef | French Chef | Tumbleweed Tex | Noof | Mad Bomber | Reilly | Blammo the Clown | Boid | Aliens

Dexter's Laboratory
Mandark | Quackor | Crazy Robot | Badaxtra | Hookocho | Lalavava | Comrade Red | Mental Mouse | Huntor | Peltra | Simion | Orgon Grindor | Dynomutt X-90 | Ultrabot 2000

Cow and Chicken
Red Guy | Rooster | Cerberus | I.R. Baboon | Big Foot | Buffalo Gals | Bully from Scottsdale | Butch | Chachi | Dick | Dr. Chunks | Fluffy the Anaconda | Grizzly Beaver | Headhunters | Jolly Roger | Laughing Hyenas | Luigi Rustknocked | Man-Eating Giraffes | Photocopy | Queen of Yurp | Scott Weil | Sow | The Milkman

¡Mucha Lucha!
Queen Voladora | Monster of San Luis Rey | 6-Armed Monster | Carlton Cold Jones | Heavy Traffic | Primadonna Hodges | Cindy Slam | Potato Patata Jr. | El Perrito | El Custodio | El Dolor De Kurtz | El Evil Cheese Grande | El Evil Dentista of Doom | El Haystack Grande | Coco Demento | El Maléfico | El Pared | El Toro Amarillo | Esteban | Futboloco | Mask Savages | Masked Toilet | Mysterioso Grande | Mr. Fishy Fish | El Oscuro Invasor | Rick O' Shea | Private Reinhardt | Queen Voladora's Mummified Mommy | Slurf | Timmy of a Thousand Masks

I Am Weasel
I.R. Baboon

Edgar & Ellen
Edgar and Ellen | Pet | Stephanie Knightleigh

Krypto The Superdog
Mechanikat | Snooky Wookums | Delilah | Bud and Lou

The Life & Times of Juniper Lee
Auntie Roon | Auntie Roon's Minions | Loki | Thor | Demoness | Jonathan | Kai Yee | Lex | Sandman | Vikki Devvyne | Taylor Evermore | Wrongness

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Terrence | Berry | Duchess | Extremesaurs | Kip Snip | Lord Snotzax | Lil' Lincoln | Nemesis | Omnizot | Wild Mac | World

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
Axel & Rod Skidmark | Eldwin Blair | Mr. Darrell | Mr. Master | P.A.L. | Rumaki | Sunekura | Sauerkraut Malone | Julie

My Gym Partner's a Monkey
Bobby Lion | Bull Sharkowski | Chad | Euripides Sharkowski | Larry Raccoon | Lola Llama | Possum Girl | Principal Wolverine | Rick Platypus | Mr. Cheetah | The Spiffies | The Ferals | Ted Oxpecker

Class of 3000
Preston | Dustin | Eastley | Big D | Mr. Yin and Mr. Min | Blob | Dr. Nefario | Kaylie and Mackenzie

Miss Endive | Gorgonzola | Reuben | Chestnut | Funjl | Meaches | Gumbo | Mr. Fugu | King of the Sky | Sour Ron | Kevin | Frank | Scary | Puckerberry Overlords | Sour Wife | Rosemary | Cinnamini Monster | Weirdos | Frau Broten | Florentine | Jeffrey | Peking Duck | Jam | Mr. Samball | Robert Limburger | Pepperjack | Flendive | Crazy Fruit | Meanie Cream Cake | Mold Pixie | Steve | The Teriyaki Triads | Roquefort | Ms. Butterscotch

The Secret Saturdays
V.V. Argost | Munya | Argost's Army | Rani Nagi | Zak Monday | Doc Monday | Drew Monday | Fiskerton Monday | Zon Monday | Abbey Grey | Baron Finster | Francis | Shock Troopers

The Mr. Men Show
Little Miss Naughty | Little Miss Scary | Mr. Rude | Mr. Stubborn | Aliens | Alien Space Pirates | Mr. Metal | Lions | King Kong | Sea Monster | Snow Monster

Hero 108
High Roller | Sparky Black | Sparky White | Chameleons | Eagles | Whales | Zebra Brothers | Bounty Hunters | Chiung Ming | Cocky Aliens | Commander of Darkness | Flying Fish | Infinitum | Komodo Dragons | Minotaur King | Moosie Ghostface | Red Seahorse Prince | Shadow Monster (entity) | Soil Monster | Soldiers of Darkness | Spotter | Stone Monkey Deity | The Object-Morphing Demons | Tri Puppy | Twin Masters | Wolf Eels | Seahorse Prince | Blue Seahorse Prince

Nixels | Major Nixel | King Nixel | Nixel Guard | Nixie | Painted Nixels | Slap Nixel | Tentacle Nixel | Muscle Nixel | Boomerang Nixel | Cannon Nixel | Boxing Nixel | Catch Up Nixel

The Looney Tunes Show
Cecil Turtle | Yosemite Sam | Elmer Fudd | Marvin the Martian | Wile E. Coyote | Sylvester | Taz | Daffy Duck | Henery Hawk | George P. Dog

New Looney Tunes
Yosemite Sam | Ivana | Rhona Roundhouse | Carl the Grim Rabbit | Elmer Fudd | Marvin the Martian | King Thes | Cal | Jack | Eagle Scout | Hazmat | Count Bloodcount | Sir Littlechin | Computer Virus | Winter Stag | Krakos the Polar Bear | Scarecrow | Vera the Vulture | Ninjas

Mighty Magiswords
Queen Porcina | Morbidia | Gateux | Phil The Pilefer | Glori | Nohyas | King Rexxtopher | DeBizz | Helmut | Manfish the Fish Man | Frostferatu | Brocoli Dumplin Kids | Brotherhood of Thieves | Francis Thingshooter | Naso | Birda | Purrlance | Mr. Flumooks

Over the Garden Wall
The Beast | Adelaide | Dog | Evil Spirit | The North Wind

Belson Noles | Balance | Brenda Shoop | Joshua | Mildred | Cooter | Malakevin | Mountain Lion | Mr. Noles | Seabass

Uncle Grandpa
Pizza Steve | Aunt Grandma | Cheesepuff Mike | Bottom Bag | Chinease Take Out Delivery Guy | Christopher Columbus | Cloud Wizard | Curly | Emperor Krell | Evil Forces Shadow Guy | Foreign Madman | Free Sample Elves | Galaxy Guardians | Gary | G-Dog | Gornak | Green Alien | Jimmy | Kevin E. Peepants | Kid Cousin | Larry | Leo | Lexus, Lisa, & Lori | Moe | Mouse | Mole People | Moon Man | Mud Goblins

Generator Rex
Black Knight | Van Kleiss | The Pack (Biowulf , Breach , Skalamandar, Bouncer, I-Bol & Circe ) | Consortium | Dr. Branden Moses

Annoying Orange
Broccoli Overlord | Broccoli Minions | Grapefruit | Big Rock Candy Monster | Teddy Juicer

Apple & Onion
Beef Jerky | Cheesesteak | Duck | Maritimers (Crab Cake, Tempura Shrimp & Tuna Can)

Summer Camp Island
Basketball | Jabberwock | Jeremiah

See Also
Adventure Time Villains | Ben 10 Villains | Camp Lazlo Villains | Codename: Kids Next Door Villains | Courage the Cowardly Dog Villains | Craig of the Creek Villains | Ed, Edd n Eddy Villains | Infinity Train Villains | Johnny Test Villains | OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes Villains | Regular Show Villains | Robotboy Villains | Samurai Jack Villains | Steven Universe Villains | Teen Titans Villains | Teen Titans Go! Villains | The Amazing World of Gumball Villains | The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Villains | The Powerpuff Girls Villains | Total Drama Villains | Victor and Valentino Villains | Villainous Villains | We Bare Bears Villains

          Regular show logo Villains

The Park
Rigby | Benson | Muscle Man | Thomas/Nikolai | Mr. Maellard

Terror Tales of the Park Villains
Percy | Skull Punch | Halloween Wizard | Party Bus Driver | Johnny Allenwrench | Scarecrow | Jebediah Townhouse

Army of the Underworld
Garrett Bobby Ferguson Jr. | Garrett Bobby Ferguson | Destroyer of Worlds | Talking Hot Dogs | Master Prank Caller | The Hammer | Party Pete | Susan | Game Store Manager | Summertime Song | Zombies | Howard Fightington | Night Owl | Duck Collector | Blond Men | Skull Punch | Stag-Man | Broseph Chillaxton | No Rules Man | The Urge

Format Wars
Ancient Order of the VHS | Internet

Russian Spies
Natalia | Thomas/Nikolai

Dome Experiment
Gene | Dr. Dome

Space Villains
Anti-Pops | Anti-Pops' Minions | Reaperbots

Redeemed Antagonists
Gary | Guardians of Eternal Youth | Starla Gutsmandottir | Death | Gene | Buttonwillow McButtonwillow | Dale Deseeko

Other Recurring Villains
Unicorns | Huge Head | Klorgbane the Destroyer | Capicola Gang | Geese | Jackie Carmichael

Moon Monster | Coffee Bean and Translator | Basketball Body | British Taxi | Snowballs the Ice Monster | Peeps | Iacedrom and Ygbir | Doug Shablowski | Ybgir | Warden of the Internet | Were-Skunk | Carrey O'Key | Chong | CrewCrew | Park Avenue | Chuck | Doom Ma Geddon Virus | Death Bear | Promise Pie | Milk People | Quillgin | Hector | Grand Master of Death Kwon Do | Mitsuru Shinehara | Cool Cubed and Translator | Frank Jones | Country Club Leader | Doug MacFarland | Silver Dude | Carlocks | Richard Buckner | Bert Coleman | Hurl, Merle and Burl Cop | Matchmaker McIntyre | David | Happy Birthday | Rich Steve | Steve's Army | Ziggy the Garbage King

Mr. Ross | Future Mordecai
