Bell Org is a bell-based monster and he is the main antagonist of the ''Never Give Up!'' episode of Power Rangers Wild Force.

Bell Org is an old org who worked for Master Org for years, he took the form of a bell and he appeared when Max thought the old man was a ghost. He then bullied the old man and used the bell on him to arrest him, after which Jindrax and Toxica recruited him the org and asked him to destroy the Rangers. That Bell Org accepted, he then appeared with the putrids and found Max angry with Danny for leaving him. He then defeats the putrids but is arrested by Bell Org, with this Bell Org faces the Rangers mainly Danny who took the responsability for him, after what happened to Max. After that Danny saves Max and defeats Bell Org with other Rangers. Toxica revives him and makes him giant, he fights the Wild Force Megazord he almost destroyed with his bell. However the Rangers use the Fin Blade to destroy the org hammer but he was not finished yet and tried to use the Bell Trammer but the Megazord kicked the bell holding the org and so the Rangers destroyed it using the Mega Roar of the Wild Force Megazord.
Bell Org also appeared as an illusion twice by Onikage to face the Rangers.