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Bartleby Farnum is the main antagonist of Monster High: Escape from Skull Shores.

He was voiced by Keith Silverstein.


Bartleby Farnum is a part-time charismatic man who can entertain the crowds and guide the masses. He can turn a dispirited show into a performance to be remembered, and convince all but the most skeptical minds of the value of his wares. But this side of him is a ruse that is dispelled with little provocation. Bartleby Farnum is an aggressive man who prides himself on his intellect and perceived superiority as a normal human. His suave demeanor usually saves him from retribution from those he harms, as he can easily manipulate the situation in his favor, using sweet and vile words to get people to agree with him and bow to his wishes. And when that's not enough, he possesses a special cane that he handles expertly and which provides him with a number of useful tools. He also calls all monsters "freaks".


Bartleby Farnum is a skinny man dressed in carny clothes. He's got two golden teeth and a special cane from which he can summon a large variety of tools, such as glasses, a magnet, a flash light, a radar, a dog whistle, and a mirror.


He is first seen on his boat with Kipling arriving trying to think of new ideas when he hears the protagonists scream for help. He soon gets excited when he sees them. Taking the aboard he secretly plans on showing them off. His original plans are scrapped when he sees Frankie. He knows that she resembles an explorer that had a fascination with a monster he’s been hunting. He takes them to skull shores and lies about needing supplies. He has no idea the girls are nice. He tells some tiki to watch over them. Soon he has a ceremony where Frankie is guest of honor but they are unaware it’s a trap. He explains the story of the beast he’s hunting but the girls don’t like it. He then orders the tiki to attack but nothing happens. When Frankie is taken, he splits the tiki in two groups. He then captured a spying Lagoona and Gil. The next morning he has Andy enter but is interrupted by Gil with dolphins and a kraken. The kraken then flings him in the jungle. Unbeknownst to them he watches and plans on getting his beast. Soon he enters monster high in disguise and insults the students. Andy who is most insulted starts to transform after which he reveals himself. The students try to stop him but he stops them. Soon he tells Andy that he’s nothing but a monster. However after Frankie let’s off a speech both Andy and Kipling discover they shouldn’t be embarrassed about who they are. Kipling now having had more than enough of his abuse calls him out on being ugly inside. He tries to stop Kipling but his glasses come out instead and he’s grabbed. He orders Kipling to release him but Kipling does it in a way he didn’t want. He gets tossed into a tar pit and some birds. When he escapes he gets mocked and looks in a mirror to discover he’s now like them. As he’s running bawling, two men unsurprisingly think he’s the monster and captured him. He is then driven off with them.



While not explicitly said, Bartleby seems to have been the sole companion of Kipling for some time. Since Kipling is supposedly underage at the time he leaves his master, he has been underage when Bartleby gave him a home and took him in as an assistant. As such, Bartleby's role as Kipling's master appears interlaced with that of caretaker, albeit an abusive one.


Monster High Shield LogoVillains

Bartleby Farnum | Kala Meir'ri | Kieran Valentine | Lord Stoker | Moanatella Ghostier | Moanica D'Kay | Nefera de Nile | Principal Revenant | Toralei Stripe | Whisp | Eddy Hyde Jr. | Rocco | Victor Frankenstein | Ygor | Lilith Van Hellscream | Lilith's goons
