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There you are again, you ghastly bug! Once I've touched you, all I have to do is wait for you to transform back!
~ Backwarder

Backwarder is an akumatized villain in Miraculous Ladybug and the akumatized form of Marianne Lenoir.


Backwarder has pale purple skin with yellow eyes, light pink sclera, and light lilac-colored lipstick. Her helmet is black and teardrop-shaped, with a yellow circle in the center of each side (not including the front or back), a large yellow key resembling that of a wind-up toy on top, and an upside-down teardrop-shaped pale purple face mask with holes for her eyes and mouth. She also has a small nose with two black dots beneath each eye hole, and a golden heart on the forehead, resembling a porcelain doll's face. Each time an object is touched with her sword, one of the cracks on the face of her helmet disappears. The main body of her costume is yellow and black, with a rounded shape resembling a clockwork doll. Her chest has a stylized clock face on the front where her akuma lies, with her brooch acting as the dial. On each of her shoulders, there is a yellow spherical pauldron. Her arms are mostly black, with accenting yellow "gloves" with scalloped ends. Her cane has also been transformed into a black sword with a golden tip resembling a clock hand, which she uses to activate her powers.

Powers and Abilities[]

Wielding her clock hand sword, anything that is touched by the tip of Backwarder's sword begins to move and talk backwards in time, repeating their earlier actions. She uses this ability to grow stronger with every tap and redirect attacks. However, it seems that she cannot stop the things that she touches from going back in time, even if she didn't intend to use her power on them, as shown when Ladybug pushes her into a trash can to save Cat Noir, tripping her up and accidentally causing her to tap the trash can, causing all the trash to fly back out at her.

Backwarder has great speed, strength and agility, allowing her to leap great distances, as shown when she jumps to the top of a Ferris wheel with minimal effort.

  • Chronokinesis: Backwarder can manipulate time and thus stealing it with a touch of her clock hand wand, setting people or things backwards.
  • Enhanced reflexes: She has enhanced strength, speed, and agility.


No more time to waste!


  • She is the second akumatized villain with time related powers, the first being Timebreaker.
    • Coincidentally, both were indirectly made vulnerable to akumatization by Marinette while she tried to juggle three things at the same time: supporting her friends, fulfilling a task by an adult, and spending time with Adrien.


External Links[]
