Antagonists Wiki
NOTE: For the classic version of this character, click here.
Villain Overview

Are you dead?
~ Azrael to Gargamel after he got hit by a bus and last lines in the first film.

Azrael is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Odile Anjelou) of Sony Pictures Animation's 6th full-length live-action feature film The Smurfs, and a major antagonist in its 2013 sequel The Smurfs 2. He is also a minor antagonist in the 2011 Christmas special The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol and a supporting antagonist in the 2013 Halloween special The Smurfs: The Legend of Smurfy Hollow.

He is Gargamel's sarcastic cat and he seems to solve every problem for his master, even though the latter doesn't admit it. Azrael serves as Gargamel's companion in helping capture the smurfs. However, Azrael is typically wiser than Gargamel and often tells him about some kinks in his plans. Azrael is sometimes treated cruelly by his owner, and has been known to turn on Gargamel numerous times. At the post-creidts of Smurfs 2, he finally got tired of Gargamel treating him so badly that he attack him.

He was voiced by Frank Welker, who also voiced Megatron in Transformers: Prime, the singing voice Percival C. McLeach with Joanna the Goanna in The Rescuers Down Under, Stripe in Gremlins, the Cy-Bugs in Wreck-It Ralph, the Indominus rex in the Jurassic Park franchise, Rhino in James and the Giant Peach, Shadow Blot, in Epic Mickey and Mor'du in Brave.




He shown to be smarter than Gargamel.


The Smurfs[]

In the beginning, Azrael is seen talking to Gargamel who wants the Smurf essence so his magic could become invincible. In the forest, they see Clumsy Smurf picking Smurf roots and Azrael chases him to the magic wall which protects the Smurf Village. To make sure it's safe, Gargamel throws Azrael into the wall and asks him if he's dead which Azrael meows. They attack the village and try to catch the Smurfs.

Azrael is tricked by Gutsy Smurf and crushed by Gargamel after he is hit by a giant log. When the Smurfs go into the Forbidden Falls, Gargamel and Azrael follow them but the Smurfs jump into a portal which takes them to New York. Gargamel and Azrael follow them by jumping into the portal. Azrael chases the Smurfs up to a tree and grabs Smurfette by the hair but she kicks him.

Azrael chases Clumsy but falls into a box and Patrick Winslow takes the box away making the other Smurfs follow him. Later, Gargamel sits on a bench and Azrael vomits out a lock of Smurfette's hair. They go to Belvedere Castle in Central Park where Gargamel creates a machine that extracts the essence.

While searching for the Smurfs, they come across Anjelou company where Patrick works and they meet Odile Anjelou after Gargamel restores her mother's youth. Later, they chase Patrick to FAO Schwartz toy store where Gargamel steals a leaf blower to capture the Smurfs but it backfires when Azrael gets stuck and Patrick presses the reverse button.

Later, Gargamel gets more essence and look for the Smurfs in the antique bookstore.

Papa Smurf is kidnapped and taken to Belvedere Castle to extract more essence. Smurfette arrives, battles Azrael, and traps him in a cage which makes him lose part of ear.

After the final battle, when Gagamel gets hit by a bus, Azrael gets back at him by saying "Are you dead?".

In the mid-credit scene, Azrael is seen with Gargamel who blasts the audience with his wand.

The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol[]

Azrael appears in the story in the future shown to Grouchy by the Smurf of Christmas Future, who then chases after Grouchy as they climb up a bookshelf which eventually collapses, sending Grouchy to a boiling cauldron of doom.

The Smurfs 2[]

Azrael is in Paris with Gargamel and his new creations Vexy and Hackus the naughties and helps Gargamel capture Smurfette to tell them the formula that Papa Smurf used to turn her into a real smurf.

While Gargamel is performing at the magic show, he turns Azrael into a giant cat and when Gargamel captures Patrick, Azrael nearly eats him but Victor stopped Gargamel to save his stepson.

in the post-creidts when Gargamel blasts off into the air, he and Azrael gets sent back to the castle. They get into a fight and Azrael then attacks Gargamel with his claws.

The Smurfs: The Legend Of Smurfy Hollow[]

Azrael appears in the story with his master Gargamel as he goes to collect the Smurfs that his traps have captured, who eventually flees for his life when chased by the Headless Horseman into a covered bridge through which the spirit cannot cross. However, when Gargamel taunts the Headless Horseman, the spirit throws a flaming pumpkin inside the bridge, causing Gargamel and his cat to fall into the river and eventually heading toward a waterfall.





  • Azrael was originally female in the comic books, but was changed to a male in the cartoon show and returned as a male in later comics.
  • Azrael only seems mischievous rather actually being a villain.
  • The name Azrael is one of the names for the Angel Of Death.
  • Despite being Gargamel's right-hand man (or cat in this case), Azrael acts more as if he was the boss and he is also the smart one.
  • Despite being a villain, Azrael has a girlfriend who happens to be a friend of the Smurfs.

External Links[]


           The Smurfs logo Villains

Gargamel | Azrael | Purple Smurfs | Grey Smurfs | Aurora | Barbapapa | Devil | Howlibird | Jeanty | King Smurf | King Trash I | Monulf | Motro | Radzor | Torrent Monster

The Smurfs (2011): Gargamel | Azrael
The Smurfs 2: Gargamel | Vexy and Hackus | Azrael | Smurfette
Smurfs: The Lost Village: Gargamel | Azrael | Monty
The Smurfs: The Legend Of Smurfy Hollow: Gargamel | Azrael | Headless Horseman

Gargamel | Azrael | Scruple | Bigmouth | Dwayne and Rowena | Lord Balthazar | Smurfette | Sassette Smurfling | Morphio | Bigmouth | Madame Trilbee | Hogatha | Steam Demon | Octopians (Lord Squird) | Harold | Petula | Minotaurs | Dandy Lion | Rosie | Allura | Angus McGarg | Aurora | Tamar | Azoul | Baby Smurf | Bacchus | Captain Redbeard | Bluebeak | Bog Goblins | Bombast | Bongo | Boss Naught | Buddy | Captain Cookie | Captain Keelhaul | Captain Peter Pepper | Carnivorous Daisy | Carpzilla | Castle Captor | Chloderic | Chlorhydris | Cicero | Crackle | Trolls (Crag) | Creepodile | Devil Smurf | Double Chan | Dr. Charlatan | Drusilla | Egghead | Esmeralda Fortune | Evelyn | Eyegor | Fafnir | Falan | Frugal McDougal | Game Master | Gargapuri | Gargensole | Scampi | Gargotec | Scrupses | Azra | Gargovich | Genie Meanie | Ghostwriter | Gingerbread Smurfs | Gluttonous the Gourmet | Goblins | Gorgon Sisters | Gregorian | Grog | Grumper | Grundel | Guillaume | Harlequin | Hogapatra | Horror Hound | Hotap | Howlibird | Hydra | Igor | Imperia | Jack Frost | Wartmongers (King Bullrush) | King Smurf | Wasp Renegades (King Sting) | Lord Balthazar | Lord Mumford | Matthew Oilycreep | Lycanthropy | Maestro | Malakov | Talbot | Malcolm the Mean | Mangy | Marsh Monster | Mini-Jokeys | Miss Neilly | Miss Snarly | Monulf | Moon-Eyed Mummy | Mordain | Morgan le Fey | Morlock | Morphio | Mummy | Mystico | Nemesis | Norf Nags | Ol' Cindy | Old Hag | Pluffs | Poltersmurfs | Prehistoric Gmurfs | Professor Otto Von Monster Meister | Purple Fly | Purple Smurfs | Queen Felicity | Radna | Rajah | Rera Aphid | Witlow and Rogue | Root of Evil | Satin | Scour | Sea Witch | Sir Lancelout | Sir Leopold | Snap Dragons | Stormy the Cloudmonster | Chocolate Thief | Christmas Stranger | Christmas Thief | Dark Knight | Druid Leader | Great Swamp Witches | Guardian Troll | Hooded Furriers | Ninja Rat | Stalker | Treasure Hunter Imp | Thorick | Three-Headed Hydra | Tikis | Truffle Trolls | Van Garg | Water Harpies

Video Games
Stolas | Vileaf


           Sony Pictures Logo Villains

Animated Features
Wicked Wazir | Grifter the Ringmaster | Snivley | Mugger | Green Goose | Tanya Malachite | Ali and Bobo | Madame Hecuba | Tulip | Pete Belinsky | Loc-Nar | The Girl | Ard | The Queen | Hanover Fiste | Captain Lincoln F. Sternn | Dark Heart | Marvin McNasty | Lumpy and Bones | Hexxus | Lou the Goanna | Rothbart | Bridget | Alligators | Eva Friedal | Tyler | Lambert | Odin | The Crystal | Boyd | Monty | Rock Holmes | Duke Red | Vincent Volaju | Edward Steam | Sephiroth | Remnants of Sephiroth (Kadaj) | Rufus Shinra | The Beast | Constance Nebbercracker | Seijiro Inui | Shaw | Tank Evans | Frederic Downing | Curtis Miller | Ron Davis | Fifi | Mayor Shelbourne | General Grawl | Professor Kipple | Doug | Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine | Allan | Tom | Pedro | Falcon | Aristides Silk | Red Rackham | Chief De Silva | Lions | Queen Victoria | Black Bellamy | Budzo | Cecil | Arachnids | Quasimodo Wilson | Esmeralda | Ada Wong | Svetlana Belikova | Unidentified Tyrants | Normal Lickers | Ezekiel Stane | Heraclio | Sota | Sir Clorex | Chester V | Live Corp (Chester V's Holograms & Barb) | Punisher | Black Widow | Leviathan (Orion) | Cain | Bela | Bat Cronies | Ed & Edna | Shero | Cizer | Dogs | King Leonard Mudbeard | Green Pigs (Ross) | Titus Drautos | Ardyn Izunia | Somnus Lucis Caelum | Douche | Gargamel (2017) | Azrael (2017) | Monty | Akihiko Kayaba | Glenn Arias | Diego Gomez | Maria Gomez | A-Virus | Zombies | Smiler | Anti-Virus Bots | Hunter | Thaddeus and Rufus | King Herod | Abraham Van Helsing | Ericka Van Helsing | Wolfram | Swordkil | Daigo | Nobu | All For One | Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Prowler | Green Goblin | Scorpion | Tombstone | Zeta | Debbie | Glenn | Brad | Axel | Carl | Jerry | Kira | Hank | Nine | Slice | Mummy | Chimera | League of Villains (Tomura Shigaraki) | Himiko Toga | Ilvira | Gingerbread Guards | Baba Yaga | Kolobok | Enmu | Akaza | PAL | PAL Labs (PAL Max, Glaxxon 5000 & PAL Max Prime) | Pockets | Lutador | Lapin | Barry | Pigmies | Luther | Hamsters

Live-Action Features
Dr. Terwilliker | Ben Wade | Charlie Prince | Dr. Strangelove | General Buck Turgidson | Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper | Wilhelm Tanz | Colonel Sandauer | Dr. Noah | Vesper Lynd | Le Chiffre | King Claudius | Edmund | Regan | Goneril | Duke of Cornwall | Alex DeLarge | Alex's Droogs | Billy Boy | French Taunter | Bridge Keeper | Rabbit of Caerbannog | Knights Who Say Ni | Three-Headed Giant | Black Beast of Argh | Black Knight | The Animator | Unidentified Knight | Travis Bickle | Sport | Unnamed Passenger | John Neville | Judge Fleming | Overlook Hotel | Jack Torrance | Hotel Caretaker | Lorraine Massey | Nirvana | Nirvana's Gang (PunkCut, Jiver, Stomper & Cutter) | Agatha Hannigan | Rooster and Lily St. Regis | Reginald Dyer | Nathuram Godse | Maximillian Largo | Fatima Blush | Christine | Arnie Cunningham | John Kreese | Cobra Kai (Johnny Lawrence, Dutch, Bobby Brown, Tommy & Jimmy) | Gozer | Stay Puft Marshmallow Man | Terror Dogs (Zuul & Vinz Clortho) | Library Ghost | Murray Plotsky | Central Park Thief | Billy Chapman | Mother Superior | Killer Santa | Ricky Chapman | Lieutenant Colonel Podovsky | Marshall Murdock | Sergeant Yushin | Captain Vinh | Lieutenant Tay | River Pirates (Trong Kinh) | Lifer | Ericson | Jerry Dandridge | Billy Cole | Evil Ed | B.Z. | Space Girl | Eric Towzer | John Ryder | S.A.I.N.T. | Jareth | Goblin Army | Chozen Toguchi | Sato Toguchi | Toshio & Taro | Louis Cyphre | Johnny Favorite | Gunnery Sergeant Hartman | Private Gomer Pyle | Door Gunner | Faith Stewart | Dracula | The Mummy | Felice Dunbar | Oscar Baldwin | The Blob | Christopher Meddows | Regine Dandrige | Colonel Zaysen | Sergeant Kourov | Tomask | Shop Assistant | Helen Downing | Terry Silver | Mike Barnes | Snake | Dennis | Vigo | Janosz Poha | Scoleri Brothers | Bad Alien | Alex | Jack Merridew | Roger | Vilos Cohaagen (1990) | Mars Colony Security Force (Carl Hauser, Richter, Lori, Helm, Everett, Benny & Harry) | Dr. Edgemar | Annie Wilkes | Red Skull | Valentina de Santis | Darrin "Doughboy" Baker | Mrs. Baker | Officer Coffey | Raymond Zhang | Nigel Griffith | Moon | Kara | Luis Cali | Jack Thrope | Carlos | Ruiz | Jorge | Chains Cooper | T-1000 | Douglas | Skynet | Robert Masterson | Varney | Benitez | Abigail Craven | Tully Alford | James Hook (1991) | Mr. Smee (1991) | Godzilla | Futurians (Chuck Wilson, Grenchiko & M10) | King Ghidorah | Jack | Catherine Tramell | Roxanne 'Roxy' Hardy | Ashoka Ghatak | Luc Deveraux | Andrew Scott | Colonel Perry | GR86 | GR55 | GR76 | Wagner | Keith Heading | Hedra Carlson | Count Dracula | Brides of Dracula | R.M. Renfield | Colonel Nathan R. Jessup | Jonathan Kendrick | Matthew Markinson | Battra | El Cirujano | DeSilva | General Miguel Alvarez | Raul Ochoa | George Stark | Paul McDaggett | OCP (CEO) | Urban Rehabilitators (Ōtomo & Kanemitsu) | Mr. Lee | Eric Qualen | Richard Travers | Kynette | Delmar | Kristel | Ryan | Heldon | Mike | Ray | Mr. Benedict | The Ripper | Tony Vivaldi | Mitch Leary | Prince John | Sheriff of Rottingham | Rose Michaels | Leland Gaunt | John "Ace" Merrill | Jimmy Detillo | Jed Hill | Koga | Ishikawa | Glam | Vinnie | Slam | Darren | Gerald Thomas | Stewart Swinton | Colonel Dugan | Ned Randall | Charlie | Gabe | Morgan | Samuel Norton | Byron Hadley | Bogs Diamond | The Sisters | Elmo Blatch | Cat | Jack Harding | J.J. | Jimmy | Eddy | Leatherface | Vilmer Slaughter | Illuminati (Darla Slaughter, W.E. Slaughter & Rothman) | Sawyer Family (Grandpa Sawyer) | Joe St. George | Fouchet | Casper | Ferguson | Krank | Diver | Mademoiselle Bismuth | The Octopus | Prince Malagant | Ralf | Iago | Roderigo | Van Pelt | Dracula | Mark Cordell | Cable Guy | Agatha Trunchbull | Harry Wormwood | Gil Renard | Byron De La Beckwith | Lefty | Nicky | Sonny Black | Sonny Red | Santo Trafficante Jr. | Philly Lucky | Big Trin | Buldeo | Ultimate Evil | Zorg Industries (Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg & Right Arm) | Mangalores | Edgar the Bug | Egor Korshunov | Andrei Kolchak | Vladimir Krasin | Agent Gibbs | Boris Bazylev | Sergei Lenski | Igor Nevsky | Ivan Radek | Benjamin Willis | Arachnids | Peter McCabe | Suzie Toller | Ray Duquette | Kelly Van Ryan | Sam Lombardo | Kenneth Bowden | Mary Ann Rogers | Lothar Zogg | C.J. | Carl | Buelow | Zed | Klaus | Lars | Eric | Zilla | Baby Zilla | Don Rafael Montero | Harrison Love | William Willis | K. Edgar Singer | Huxley | Bill the Bug | Pesties | Smokey | Alley Cats (Snowbell, Monty, Lucky, Red & Unnamed Gray Cat) | S.E.T.H. | Romeo | Squid | Delta | Deacon | William Tavington | Diesel 10 | Eric Knox | Vivian Wood | Altaaf Khan | Hilal Kohistani | Judith Fessbeggler | Genus | General Granger | Russell Woodman | Kalina Oretzia | Cyrus Kriticos | Ben Moss | Billy Michaels | Jimmy Gambino | Susan LeGrow | Royce Clayton | Dana Newman | Isabella Smith | Harold Shelburne | Margaret Shelburne | George Markley | Ryan Kuhn | Horace Mahoney | Chet Walters | Green Goblin | Dennis Carradine | Harry Osborn | J. Jonah Jameson | Chuck Cedar | Mac McGrath | Serleena | Scrad & Charlie | Jarra | Dog Poop | Corn Face | Pineal Eye | Mosh Tendrils | Flesh Balls | Jeff | Creepy | Kylothians | Falcon | Devlin Bowman | Alistair Pratt | Jeannine Richardson | Rico | Rachel Wright | Arnold Gundars | Zhu Tam | Colonel Idris Sadick | Commander Terwaze | Fulani Rebels | Gwyneth Harridan | Jenny | Bruce | T-X | T-1 | Johnny Tapia | Willie Stokes | Marcus Skidmore | James Hook (2003) | Mr. Smee (2003) | Don Price | Lucy Diamond | Brittney Havers | Maya King | Julian Haynes | Niles Dunlap | Grigori Rasputin | Karl Ruprecht Kroenen | Ilsa Von Haupstein | Sammael | Ogdru-Jahad (Behemoth) | Punisher | Howard Saint | Quentin Glass | Livia Saint | Jimmy Weeks | John Saint | The Russian | Harry Heck | Cutter | Mickey Duka | Alie El Haq | Eddie | Lincoln | Warren Vandergeld | Vandergeld Sisters | Heath and Russ | Doctor Octopus | Kayako Saeki | Toshio Saeki | Takeo Saeki | Brother Sum | The Beast | The Harpists | Big Al | Boogeyman | Elena Sandoval | Marie Clifton | Kristen Richards | Chad Johnson | Jay Clifton | Warden Hazen | Mr. Electric | Minus | Nicolae Carpathia | Count Armand | Jacob McGivens | Zorgons | Robot | Bill Sikes | Fagin | Mr. Bumble | Elite Hunting (Natalya, Svetlana and Alexi, Vala, Desk Clerk Jedi & The Butcher) | Clients (Dutch Businessman, American Client & German Surgeon) | Bubblegum Gang | Hatsumomo | Wendell Hatch | Jerry McDowell | Calvin Sims | Mr. Walken | Rosco | Bruno | Herod Sayle | Mr. Grin | Nadia Vole | Yassen Gregorovich | Concussion | Carver | Aubrey Davis | Mrs. Kawamata | Vanessa Cassidy | Trish Kimble | Le Chiffre | Quantum (Mr. White, Steven Obanno, Alex Dimitrios, Adolph Gettler, Valenka, Kratt, Mollaka Danso, Carlos Nikolic & Leo) | Dryden | Fisher | Venom | Sandman | Beth Salinger | Axelle | Todd and Stuart | Sasha Rassimov | Roman | Mrs. Bathory | Cannibal Client | Douglas Norquist | Jigsaw | James Russoti | Carmine Gazzera | Ink | Maginty | Lance Warner | Camp Canola (Robert Jeffrey Warner) | Fatoush | Grant Walbridge | Salim Yousfobdal | Derek Huff | Ted Jones | Budlofsky | Matheson | Dominic Greene | Greene Planet (Elvis & Edmund Slate) | General Medrano | Colonel Carlos | Gregg Beam | Lieutenant Orso | Craig Mitchell | Yusef Kabira | Guy Haines | Marchetti Pilot | Gregor Karakov | Moishe Soref | Carol Brazier | Carl Anheuser | Veck Simms | James Kent | O'Leary | Richard Nixon | Congressman Monroe James | Rafelli | Chicago Wind | Fiendish Dr. Wu | The Tornado | Naoko Kamawata | T-RIP | Serena Kogan | Koobus Venter | Piet Smit | Obesandjo | NGU | Commander Topov | Robert Colin | Zombies | Corporal Gallo | George Stuben | Linda Dobson | Brandi Cox | Rachel Thomas | Carson Wheetly | Master Li | Cheng | Liang | Zhuang | Song | Ted Winter | Roger Wesley | David Ershon | Piranhas | Derrick Jones | Benjamin Chudnofsky | Frank Scanlon | Lipstick-Face Demon | Long Haired Fiend | Doll Girl | The Dancing Boy | The Bride in Black | Justin Epstein | Racist Cops | Street Gang | Marco | Don Luis | William Woogard | Genarro Rizzo | Shane | Stephanie | Gargamel (2011) | Azrael (2011) | Robert Ledgard | Vera Cruz | Zeca Ledgard | Marilla Ledgard | Fulgencio | Mike Morris | Edward de Vere | Boris the Animal | Weasel | Lilly | Obadiah Price | Mr. Wu | Boglodites | Agent Gorman | Old Joe | Martin Vanger | Gottfried Vanger | Vilos Cohaagen (2012) | United Federation of Britain (Carl Hauser, Lori, Harry & Police Synthetics) | Lizard | Gustav Fiers | Cash Register Thief | Norman Osborn | Raoul Silva | Patrice | Severine | Boat Captain | Calvin Candie | Stephen | Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly | Butch Pooch | Billy Crash | Big Daddy Bennet | Brittle Brothers | Speck Brothers | Stonesipher | The Regulators | Leonide Moguy | Bill Sharp | Old Man Carrucan | Smitty Bacall | Satan | Danny McBride | Jonah Hill | Demons | Ursa | Skrel | Eli Raphelson | Martin Walker | Emil Stenz | Skip Tyler | Muriel Walker | Frat Boy Andy | Vexy and Hackus | Carrie White | Margaret White | Mortimer Snerds (Chris Hargensen) | Billy Nolan | Tina Blake | Raymond Sellars | OmniCorp (Rick Mattox, Tom Pope & Liz Kline) | Antoine Vallon | Karen Dean | Thomas King | Quinta Corvus | Marcus Proculus | Electro | Green Goblin | Donald Menken | Rhino | Ashley Kafka | Felicia Hardy | Vladimir Pushkin | Nicolai Itchenko | Slavi | Agent Kruger | Jessica Delacourt | John Carlyle | Guy Danlily | Colleen Hannigan | Annie's Fake Parents | Jungler | Gretchen Palmer | Vincent Moore | Hippo | Amerika | Ninja | Yolandi | Vincent Sofel | Donkey Kong | Pac-Man | Eddie Plant | Lady Lisa | Slappy the Dummy | Monsters (Giant Praying Mantis, Will Blake, Lawn Gnomes, Madame Doom, Brent Green, Haunted Car, Count Nightwing, The Haunted Mask, Igor, Headless Horseman, Nila Rahmad, Grim Reaper & Bride of Frankenstein) | Ernst Stavro Blofeld | SPECTRE (Max Denbigh, Mr. Hinx, Marco Sciarra, Moreau, Dr. Vogel, Guerra, Abrika, Marshall, Valerian, Lorenzo, Gallo, Francesco & Marco | Rhonda George | Norman Nordstrom | Hugo Vega | Caesar Braga | Rowan North | Mayhem | Martin Heiss | Electrocuted Ghost | Gertrude Aldridge | Anna Walsh | Bartholomew Bogue | McCann | Denali | Francis Begbie | Sick Boy | Vulture | Bestman Salvage (Tinkerer, Shocker #1, Shocker #2 & Randy Vale) | Mac Gargan | Aaron Davis | Jason Van Horn | Bats | Darling | Eddie No-Nose | Griff | Doc | Wallace Corporation (Niander Wallace & Luv) | Russel Van Pelt | Tommy Madigan | Camilla Salander | Jan Holtser | Dave York | Thomas McGregor | Mr. McGregor | Mrs. McGregor | James Tod | Slender Man | Eddie Brock/Venom | Carlton Drake/Riot | Life Foundation (Roland Treece) | Cletus Kasady | High-T | The Twins | Riza Stavros | Luca Brasi | The Hive | Mysterio | Mysterio's Crew (William Ginter Riva, Victoria Snow, Gutes Guterman, Janice Lincoln, & Doug) | Elementals (Molten Man, Hydro-Man, Sandman, Cyclone & Elemental Fusion) | John Bosley | Hodak | Alexander Brock | Jurgen the Brutal | Fiona Landers | Melinda Landers | Sam Landers | Isabel Aretas | Armando Armas | Melanie Cole | Dr. Emil Harting | Jimmy Dalton | Marcus Tibbs | Barnabas | Samuel Whiskers | Tom Kitten | Mitten | Raylan | Carnage | Shriek | Kasady Family | Ivo Shandor | Mariah | Janek | Sadie Deever | Braddock | Santiago Moncada | Michael Morbius | Milo Morbius | White Death | Lemon | Tangerine | The Prince | The Hornet | The Wolf | Walter Deville | Mr. Grumps

Animated Television
Aeon the Terrible | Winterbolt | Scratcher | Sam Spangles | Ice Dragons | Genie of the Ice Scepter

Live-Action Television
Mr. Horton | Bill the Rapist | Newman | Crazy Joe Davola | Bob | Tony Abado | Anubis | Sokar | Adria | Apophis | Serpent Guard | Replicators | Ba'al | Ben Chang | Stephen Spreck | Robert Laybourne | Greendale School Board | Alan Connor | Doppeldeaner | Subway | Starburns | Cory Radison | Murray | Silver Ballz | Roger DeSalvo | Preston Koogler | Toby Weeks | Cornelius Hawthorne | Ass Crack Bandit | Zombies | Blorgons | Evil Study Group | G.I. Jobra | Pierce Hawthorne | Space Dracula | Hannibal Lecter | Alana Bloom | Garret Jacob Hobbs | Abigail Hobbs | Abel Gideon | Tobias Budge | Randall Tier | Kidnapper | Clark Ingram | Eldon Stammets | Elliot Buddish | Lawrence Wells | Kade Prurnell | Mason Verger | Rinaldo Pazzi | Matteo Deogracias | Tommaso | Francis Dolarhyde | Dr. Jackson Han | Salen Morrison | Owen | Dr. Matt Coyle | Ethan Murphy | Billy Butcher | Frenchie | Vought-International (Madelyn Stillwell, Jonah Vogelbaum, Stan Edgar, Ashley Barrett, Frederick Vought, Victoria Neuman & Black-Ops Soldiers) | The Seven (Homelander, Black Noir, Queen Maeve, The Deep, A-Train, Lamplighter, Translucent & Stormfront) | Payback (Soldier Boy, Crimson Countess, Gunpowder, Swatto, Mindstorm & TNT Twins) | Naqib | Mesmer | Popclaw | Big Game | Love Sausage | Ground Hawk | Eagle the Archer | Alastair Adana | Blue Hawk | Little Nina | Silver Kincaid

See Also
007 Villains | Aardman Villains | Amblin Entertainment Villains | Angry Birds Villains | Bad Boys Villains | Blade Runner Villains | Blumhouse Productions Villains | Buena Vista International Villains | Castle Rock Entertainment Villains | Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Villains | Cowboy Bebop Villains | Community Villains | DreamWorks Villains | Final Fantasy Villains | Fright Night Villains | Ghostbusters Villains | Ghost Rider Villains | Godzilla Villains | Goosebumps Villains | Hellboy Villains | Hotel Transylvania Villains | Jackie Chan Adventures Villains | Jerry Bruckheimer Villains | Jumanji Villains | Karate Kid Villains | Left Behind Villains | Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Men in Black Villains | Morbius: The Living Vampire Villains | Muppet Villains | Netflix Villains | New Line Cinema Villains | Punisher Villains | Paramount Villains | Rambo Villains | Resident Evil Villains | Ridley Scott Villains | Robocop Villains | Sony's Spider-Man Universe Villains | Spider-Man Villains | Steven Spielberg Villains | Stuart Little Villains | Syfy Villains | Stephen King Villains | Terminator Villains | The Boondocks Villains | The Boys Villains | The Dark Crystal Villains | The Grudge Villains | Total Recall Villains | Trainspotting Villains | Tim Burton Villains | Tintin Villains | Underworld Villains | Universal Soldier Villains | Venom Villlains | Village Roadshow Pictures Villains | Warner Bros. Villains | XXX Villains
