Avalanche Yeti is of the Maverick bosses that appears in Megaman X8. Yeti is a Reploid that worked at a research center in Antarctica. He was worried about the environment of the world, but when he became Maverick he then tampered with the system of control the installation putting at risk the balance of the world. He is then confronted by Maverick Hunters, they then fight that this ends with Avalache Yeti is defeated.
The fight will begins with Yeti using his deep snow against the player, he will then dig under the snow to try for attack the player. He will attack by jumping and firing his pendant at the player. Then when he gets low, he'll be hidding under the snow appearing for Ovedrive only, he'd used the Drift Diamond that creates giant snowflakes in remainder of the battle. His weakness is the Thunder Dancer with X, and with Zero is the Raikousen and with Axl is the Plasma Gun.