Antagonists Wiki
Ava Vegard
Ava Kjellbørg Vegard
Background information
Feature films
Television programs The World of Ginger

The Country Lancers GingerKawaii

Video games
Park attractions
Performance model
Inspiration Veruca Salt
Character information
Other names Norwegian Rhubarb

Nasty Norse Little Miss Rudeface

Personality Cruel, sarcastic, racist, selfish, narcissistic
Appearance Blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes
Occupation High school student
Goal To make people miserable.

To make everyone think Norway is better than the Philippines.

Home Trondheim, Norway (formerly)

Norfolk, Virginia

Friends Anna Korview, Helen Torres
Enemies Ginger Hancock, GeeGee Sutherland, Roderick Finlayson, Dana von Franke, Daria Vasile, Hava Goodtime, Gèorgina Nara, Callie Yope, Paige Holt, Heather Jonaitis, Dylan Asou, Sandra il Blonde, Aisling O'Shaugnessy, Bram Vasile, Hariete Quan, Sera Gonzalez, Monika Pfieffer
Minions Anna Korview, Helen Torres
Likes Norway, being rude to people, playing pranks
Dislikes Not getting her way, people who hate Norway, Ginger Hancock
Powers and abilities
Quote "Hahahahahahaha! Norway is better than the Philippines. Fool. Filipino fool, lalalalala!"

Ava Vegard is the main bully in The World of Ginger. She is from Norway, and she is often seen being mean to people. She is a very narcissistic girl. She usually calls Ginger a "Filipino fool", Roderick and GeeGee "stupid and annoying", Dana and Konrad "crazy Germans" , and Daria and Bram "daughter and son of Dracula".
