Asmodeus is a worse character in the 1970 horror film Equinox.
He was played by Jack Woods.
The grand ruler of Hell, Asmodeus traveled to the realm of man in order to acquire a long lost book of magic. However, when the book was given to a small group of youths on a picnic, the lord of the underworld’s fury was unleashed. He summoned terrible monsters and tried taking over one of the females’ minds. When that all failed, he disguised himself as one of their own, allowing him to get in close enough to destroy the symbols that kept him at bay. Revealing his true, monstrous form, the devil took flight after David and Susan! The two lovers fled into the forest, but the harpy-like demon followed them. When they sought shelter in a graveyard, Asmodeus crashed into one of the large stone crosses. The holy object annihilated the devil, extinguishing his existence in a furious explosion.