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Thanks, man! Thanks for gettin' me in trouble, two-armed piece of shit.
~ Armzo after Allan gets him in trouble with his supervisor.

Armzo is a minor antagonist in the Smiling Friends episode "A Allan Adventure."

He is voiced by David Dore.


He is a tall, turquoise humanoid with a long, slender neck and head. True to his name, he has six long arms, each with four fingers, emerging from his torso. He has a spindly nose and large, bulging eyes with black eyebrows. He has three thin, black hairs sprouting from the back of his head and a small amount of wispy stubble on his chin. His posture is somewhat slouched.

He wears a formal work uniform, consisting of a white shirt, a pink bow tie, jeans with a belt, black shoes, and an orange vest with buttons.


Armzo is extremely irritable and rude towards customers. If someone asks a basic question while he is preoccupied with another task, he will dismiss them, threaten them, and eventually inquire about their question sneeringly. Despite his confrontational demeanor, he is quite offendable, as shown by his genuine shock when Allan insulted him.

Armzo appears to struggle with significant anger issues that remain unresolved, having once been a patient in a psychiatric ward before securing his job. His fear of being sent back to the psych ward also influences his behavior, demonstrated by his intense argument with Allan that led his supervisor to threaten him with a return to the facility, which he responded to by fearfully returning to his task.


Due to unknown reasons, Armzo, a store clerk at OfficeCrap, was sent to a psychiatric ward at some point in his life.

During the events of A Allan Adventure, Allan asks Armzo about the availability of paperclips, but Armzo brusquely tells Allan to wait until he finishes his task, stocking ink cans with his multiple arms. When Allan persists, Armzo threatens him, warning that "bad shit" will happen if he continues to be a nuisance. Allan doesn't back down and criticizes him for being rude, prompting Armzo to angrily confront him, demanding to know what he wants in a contemptuous fashion. The situation escalates, with Allan and Armzo shouting at each other over perceived slights.

Armzo's boss intervenes, directing Armzo to continue his work while he assists Allan. After answering Allan's question, the boss sternly warns Armzo that he will be sent back to the psych ward if he causes more trouble before hurrying back to his desk, a terrified Armzo now diligently stocking cans again.

As Allan exits the store, Armzo sarcastically thanks him for getting him into trouble. Allan taunts Armzo in return, leading Armzo to inadvertently topple the entire shelf of ink cans while flipping off Allan with three of his hands, resulting in him getting crushed by them.

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          Smilingfriendslogo Villains


Mr. Boss | Jason | Steven Pimling | Party Bro | Mr. Frog | Bosnian Homer | DJ Spit | Mr. Man | Satan

Season 1
Wall Guy | Amy Pimling | Bliblies | Rex | Forest Demon | Simon S. Salty | Salty's Mascots | Witch Hand | Mip | Frowning Friends | Renaissance Men | Plump Demon | Jeremy

Season 2
IGBG CEO | Troglor | Count Groxia | James | Mr. Blingo | Worm Society | Armzo | Sasquatch | Skeleton Pirates | Mr. Landlord | Brittney | Jombo | Doug | Alien Dudebros | Spamtopian Waitress | Oscar | Rotten the Snowman | Yeti
