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Aria was a secundaru antagonist who appeared on Fairy Tail in the Phantom Lord arc. He was an S-Class Mage and one of the Element 4.


Phantom Lord arc[]

Later when Phantom Lord finally declared war on its biggest rival, Fairy Tail as some Phantom Lord members began to damage their guild's buildings. Then when Shadow Gear responded to Phantom Lord by attacking Phantom Lord's Guild Building and battling their lower limbs, they were lured into a trap by Jose, who used his hologram to allow Aria to ambush the guild master and nightly using the Metsu. Aria cries after defeating Makarov. Which while Erza asks his guild master for a shot for his safety. Then Aria along with the rest of Element 4 take part in the frontal attack on the Fairy Tail Guild Building.

Then when the Natsu team invade Phantom Lord's headquarters, they are soon attacked by Aria who simply defeated Natsu but was stopped by Erza, and when Aria decides to blindfold Erza, but even so, Aria is easily defeated by Erza with a single blow. After the final war between rival guilds, Makarov finally defeats Jose Porla, Aria then appears and tries to attack him from behind, but Makarov defeats him with a single blow without looking at him and asks him to take Jose with him.
