Antagonists Wiki

Ardos is a villain from the videogame Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. He is one of the five Cipher Admins. Besides being a Cipher Admin, he's also one of Grand Master Greevil's two bodyguards, the other one being Eldes. At the end of the game it is Ardos is revealed to be one of Greevil's two sons. The first time he is encountered, he is simply called "Mystery Man".Ardos saves Michael's sister from a thug at the beginning of the game, although he reveals later that this was only to make sure the public didn't find out about Cipher being back in business. He later ends up battling Michael to try to stop him from stopping Cipher's plot. As proven in the end of the game, Ardos appears to be completely loyal to Cipher, even calling his own father "Grand Master" Greevil. Ardos somehow manages to avoid arrest, and he can be battled in the sixth round of the Orre Colosseum. He explains to Michael that he fully intends to revive Cipher, and after that, he will declare Michael as Cipher's biggest enemy and having Cipher constantly watch him.

Pokémon Antagonists

Team Rocket ( Giovanni | Proton | Petrel | Arianna | Archer ) (Anime only: Jessie | James | Meowth | Dr. Zager | Butch | Cassidy | Dr. Namba | Madame Boss | Domino | Tyson | Iron-Masked Marauder | Pierce ) (Manga only: Lt. Surge | Sabrina | Koga | Will | Karen | Carl | Sham | Carr | Sird | Orm )
Team Aqua ( Archie | Matt | Shelly | (Manga only: Amber )
Team Magma ( Maxie | Tabitha | Courtney | (Manga only: Blaise )
Team Galactic ( Cyrus | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Charon ) | (Manga only: Sird )
Team Plasma ( N | Seven Sages ( Ghetsis | Zinzolin | Rood | Gorm ) | Colress | Shadow Triad )
Team Flare ( Lysandre | Malva | Aliana | Bryony | Celosia | Mable | Xerosic )
Team Skull ( Gladion | Guzma | Plumeria )
Cipher ( Greevil | Evice | Ein | Lady Venus | Nascour | Miror B. | Dakim | Lovrina | Snattle | Gorigan | Ardos | Eldes | Hexagon Brothers )
Manga Villains
Lorelei | Bruno | Agatha | Lance | Mask of Ice | Carl | Carr
Other People
Silver | Lawrence III | Annie (Pokémon) | Oakley (Pokémon) | Phantom the Pirate | Dr. Yung | Hunter J | Baron Alberto | Zero | Grings Kodai | Marcus (Pokémon) | Damon (Pokémon) | Ninja Riot | Marilyn Flame | Argus Steel | AZ | Jarvis
Mewtwo | Deoxys | Yveltal | Rayquaza | Team Skull (Mystery Dungeon) | Snover | Dusknoir | Entei | Unown | Primal Dialga | Darkrai | Giratina | Arceus | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Red Genesect | Genesect Army | Munna | Malamar | Spiritomb | False Groudon | Shadow Lugia | Giant Tentacruel | Evil Togepi | Hoopa Unbound
