Archimonde is the main in Warcraft 3: Reign Of Chaos. He is also a supporting antagonist in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.
Joining Sargeras[]
25 thousand years ago Archimonde was one of the three leaders of Eredar in his world. Then Argus along with Kil'jaeden and Valen. However, he soon contacted Sargeras who was loyal to him and was known for his enormous power. While both Archimonde and Kil'jaeden from an alliance. That while Valen rejected the offer.
War of the Ancients[]
After Queen Azshara's use of magic, she attracted Sargeras, Archimonde and the others who lead a demonic invasion of Kalindor. And through the portal and under the well of eternal life. They caused a massacre in everything they found. However, a druid named Malfurion Stormrage. And after his defeat, Archimonde is soon banned.
Preparing the Second Invasion[]
Archimonde then continues to meditate in the Twisted Nether for 10, 000 years while the Legion plans to make a new invasion. And Kil'jaeden had his means through Ner'zhul. And then Gul'dan in the world of orcs who were supposed to act as the guardians for the return of the Burning Legions, and thus destroying anything and everything in front of him and leaving nothing to oppose Legion. However with the exodus of Azathoth and the destruction of Draenor, the horde was soon defeated by the alliance. And failing in the mission. But Legion did not give up and found another way to found another way to return. And in an attempt to find the worlds to conquer. And Ner'zhul and his disciples end up in the Twisted Nether, which is where Kil'jaeden and Burning Legion found them. And in time the wizard then transformed into the Lich King, a spirit who was in change of the Scourge of the living dead, and the powerful force must suceed where the Orcist Horde failed. Archimonde was soon told by Kel'Thuzad and led the Burning Legion. And then while the ritual continued Archimonde soon appeared in Azathoth when it was completed.
The Legion's Return[]
Archimonde's first great act after his return was to make Tichondrius the leader of the Scourge, since Lich King had already achieved his goal. Then Archimonde started to destroy Dalaran alone and when he finished. He then began the invasion of Lordaeron, summoning hordes of demons to his advantage and also including the mighty Pit Lord, Mannoroth. Then Archimonde and his army swept away, destroying everything in their path. However, Tichondris realizes that the orcs were nowhere to be seen and the Legion then followed him into the sea as far as Kalindor. Once there, they found not only the orcs but also their former enemies, who were the night elves banished them thousands of years ago. With that, Archimonde together with Tichondrius and Mannoroth planned to turn black elves into their slaves so that they could destroy their demigod Cenarius, and that plan proved to be a success. Mannoroth then corrupted Grom Hellscream and the Warsong Clan and then led them to kill Cenarius. But nevertheless, Hellscream broke free and sacrificed itself to defeat Mannoroth and thus cut off the Legion's control over the orcs even with Pit Lord destroying it.
Archimonde's goal of destroying Cenarius had been achieved. He then led his forces on Kalindor and confronted his enemies who were the night elves. And he even met Tyrande who managed to free the Druids to face the Burning Legion, and Archimonde's invasion to Kalindor was succesfull. With that, Tichondrius was ordered to place the skull of Gul'dan in order to break up the forests of Ashenvale, and also bringing other indigenous creatures to the side of the Legion. However, Illidan Stormrage stole of Gul' dan's skull under the orders of Arthas Menethil who wanted to use this power to destroy Tichondrius, who left Burning Legion destabilized. However, Archimonde as his replacement, and Rage Winterchill in change of the Scourge.
Final Battle[]
Soon after, Archimonde then Sought this objetive of his invasion mission, and after the fall of the Nordrassil world tree that was drained along with the black elves, and with that Archimonde gained more powers equal to those of Sargeras. Then he fights the opposition, Tyrande and Malfurion and their allies Jaina Proudmoore, Anetheron, were soon forced to make way to the allied bases. Soon after, the sentry hordes. Although they have delayed their climb to the top. Archimonde used his cunning to finally demolish enemy bases with a weapon, and then destroyed the base of the night elf with one hand. Then Archimonde destroys the enemies base and then Dark Elf. Archimonde then drained the tree. Countless truffles began to flow around Archimonde. He also says that the demon lord's explosion incinerated not only him, but the forest.
Warlords of Draenor[]
Ten years later, Archimonde was believed to be really dead. However, afterwards when Garrosh Hellscream traveled to an altenative timeline he sent his father to kill Mannoroth and imprison Gul'dan is released by a group of adventures who wanted him to destroy the Dark Portal, he then went along with his minions to Burning Legion where Draenor. After the defeat of the Blackhand that took place in Shattrath, the Alliance and the Horde were then alerted to a demonic force that was in the sacred cemetery of Draenei in Auchindoun. And soon after, the demonic commander found a communication device in his body. And so using it they can listen to the orders of Archimonde and his minions, Azzakel and Mongrothod and at some point the two demons of Archimonde were defeated. Later, when members of Iron Horde start to die, they are Grommash and Kilrog. Gul'dan then approached the two of them and proposed a pact. While Grommash refused but Kilrog accepted the pact and became a minion of Kilrog. It is later revealed that Archimonde was banned from Twisting Nether after the defeat, and that Archimonde himself took Draenoi but he was defeated, although it is not known whether he survived or not.