Antagonists Wiki

The White and Black Attack... The Orca!
~ Trip Westhaven

Mahana, better known as the Apex Orca or the Apex Killer Whale, is a large female orca, or killer whale, who lives in Caviar Key of Port Clovis in the 2020 shark video game, Maneater. She's the sixth of the seven Apex Predators living in Port Clovis and one of two Apex Predators to have a name, the other being Rosie, the Apex Alligator.


Orcas, once the featured attraction at marine mammal parks, now have a new favorite trick: killing things.
~ Trip Westhaven, about Orcas

Measuring an estimated 10 m (32 ft) in length, Mahana's appearance is definitely quite extraordinary. At Level 40, she's the largest and most powerful of all orcas, or killer whales, in Port Clovis, which are level 30 for regular and 35 for hunted. Like all orcas in Port Clovis, Mahana is black and white with patterns, but hers are different to give her a more terrifying appearance. She has sharp cavendish banana shaped teeth that allow a powerful bite force on her prey, scars on her head and left flipper, missing flesh from her right flipper and tail, and a dropped dorsal fin which indicates her condition of living in captivity. Despite being a large orca, Mahana is incredibly agile than other marine animals. She can easily stun prey, and grab on to them to thrash around, which makes her one of the more tougher apex predators to fight. Like all orcas or killer whales around Port Clovis, Mahana doesn't make clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls like real orcas. Instead, she makes roaring noises that make her sound more monstrous.

Mahana's design is likely based on Willy from the Free Willy films because of her size and dropped dorsal fin (although Willy is a male orca, not female), and Shamu from SeaWorld. Some players think Mahana doesn't quite look like a real orca, since her design much is different than other orcas. Her black and white patterns for example are unlike any other orca type in the world, which makes her's unique. Plus, her head represents that of a Pilot Whale, like if she was the offspring of a female pilot whale and a male orca, possibly making her a hybrid Apex Predator. Additionally, it is unknown how Mahana got as large as she did, as it would make more sense if she was a male orca since males are larger than females. Also, Mahana was the second largest predator in Port Clovis, after the Apex Sperm Whale.


After working for eight years in a marine mammal stunt show, Mahana has a lot of pent-up aggression.
~ Bio, about Mahana

Life in the Caviar Key Marine Mammal Park[]

Mahana lives in a Marine Mammal Park Stunt Show in Port Clovis, located in the Caviar Key. Her performance pool is likely referred to the Shamu Stadium in SeaWorld, given how the audience seats and stage are set up. The pool is certainly much bigger than real life orca tanks to allow more swimming space and hold more orcas besides Mahana. Underwater are three buoy balls that Mahana can play around with and exercise, and 3 hoops above that she can jump into. The bio in the interaction menu reveals that Mahana has been performing at the Marine Park for 8 years and the once gentle Orca has gained a whole lot of aggression, turning against her trainers, even other orcas(For example: Kasanita the Hunted Orca who is the only one survived from Mahana's aggression and was probably eating her favorite food in the wild).

It is very likely Mahana got the aggression after the main antagonist, Scaly Pete has been paid to catch an orca for the shows and she ended up as the chosen one. Despite this, over the years, Mahana became the apex predator of Caviar Keys, feeding on a diet of fish, seals, sharks, possibly other orcas, and her favorite prey: turtles.

Fight against the MEGA Bull Shark[]

After the female Bull Shark reaches to MEGA max level, she completes the main objectives of the Caviar Keys with population control and hunted animals. After completing the objectives, the last objective, "Killer Queen" will appear and the MEGA shark heads to the Marine Mammal Park. Upon entering the Marine Park, a cutscene plays showing Mahana twirling fast while hitting a large beach ball before staring viciously at the player in a freeze screen as Trip Westhaven says, "The White and Black Attack... The Orca!" Then, Mahana swims out of view as the cutscene ends.

After the cutscene, the fight between Apex Orca and the MEGA shark begins. The shark has to be very careful about Mahana's attacks since she's incredibly agile and the fact she can inflict a lot of damage with the thrash. Despite the fact that sharks in real life fear orcas, the Bull Shark's survival instincts prevent her from fearing them. Attempting to perform a thrash attack on the orca is impossible because any animal at a higher level than MEGA (Level 30) can't be grabbed onto and thrashed. In order to beat the orca faster, the MEGA shark will have to drive it to the bottom of the pool where Mahana would be more vulnerable and stun it with the bone tail whip. With half of her health is gone, Mahana loses her flopped dorsal fin and slowly starts to weaken. After taking the last hits and bites from the MEGA shark, Mahana finally dies and her body floats in the water. The female MEGA Shark is awarded the Bone Head evolution which provides plenty of protection when fighting very strong and hostile animals like other Orcas and Sperm Whales.

Once bitten one more time, the Orca's body now becomes big meat chunks for the MEGA shark to eat and she swims out of the Marine Park into The Gulf to finish her mission of defeating Scaly Pete and taking on the last Apex Predator, the Apex Sperm Whale.

