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Antichrist, is a false end-time messiah who as the name suggests is the enemy is the total and supreme opposite of Jesus. He is also part of the Unholy Trinity that contains him, the Devil and the Beast. And his role in history is shown Book of Revelation.

The Bible[]


It is unknown if Antichrist will give Rapture. An event where millions of Christians from around the world will rise in the air to reunite with God. The Bible scripture however indicates that he Antichrist will arrive as a dictator who will initiate a Tribulation, an event that is considered worst in history that will last only seven years. When the Antichrist comes to power he will convince humans that he will give peace and achieve it. And for a time that has been marked by war and suffering, God will send many divine judgements to punish humanity. Soon after, Antichrist will establish his own empire. Referred to as Babylon; and also believe that his empire is the revival of the Roman Empire. He also signs a seven-year pact with Israel, promising that he will defend the nation at all costs. So with that, a harlot church, known as the Whore Babylon, is established and led by the False Prophet, who is the right hand of the Antichrist. However, many 144.000 Jews will preach the coup and will repent. However The Whore Babylon is a religious and interreligious system that will persecute and behead the hypocritical who repented.

Then in Israel in the Third Temple where the Jews will make an offering to God. The Antichrist reveals his true colors and betrays Israel by breaking the seven-year covenant with Israel and invading it, he will also declare the Temple offering illegal. And yet, the Jews will regret the outcome of this betrayal. And when the Antichrist is murdered, he is later the result of the power of the Devil, and mocks how Jesus died and resulted from the dead. He unsatisfied with his current Empire, he destroys Whore Babylon and demands that everyone worship him as a God.

And besides the Christian God, he even shows that the Bible condemns the false gods. Thereafter his witnesses will prophesy in the streets of Jerusalem asking humans to repent, and for 1, 260 days the Antichrist will kill them and leave their bloody bodies in the street. And your murder will be broadcast live so that the humans rejoice in their deaths. However they are revived 3, 5 days later and are sent to Heaven. Then a big quake will kill 7, 000 people. In Heaven, Satan and his demons wage war against Archangel Michael and his angels, with the Devil losing the war, and they are estranged in Heaven, after the Devil senses that he will not last long, so the Devil decides to posses the Antichrist to anchor his final plan to be worshiped with God. Antichrist then creates an image of himself in the Third Temple, which is a blasphemy to God and everyone at an event known as the Abomination of Desolation. The False Prophet will also bring many demon miracles such as bringing the fire in Heaven down, to prove that Antichrist is the Messiah. After that, Antichrist will force everyone to use Mark of the Beast on their, Antichrist will foreheads on hands, and on the condition that they will not be able to buy and do so. It will also punish those who refuse to use Mark of the Beast by persecuting, imprisoning and executing them in a worldwide genocide. And the Jews will also be targets of the genocide, which be worse of the Holocaust, and that everyone will asks for the return of Jesus.

During the last years of the crew, the Antichrist together with the False Prophet and various nations gather for the Battle of Armageddon, which is second coming of Jesus. After disasters and natural darkness eventually come, those who have taken the Mark of the Beast will be crippled by this judgment. Then, there is the battle between the forces of Jesus and Antichrist, with the army of Jesus better winning over the forces of Antichrist. And in the end, the Antichrist along with the False Prophet and his followers lead a cruel end when they are set on a Lake of Fire, where they burn for eternity. While the Devil is exorcised from the body of Antichrist by an angel who imprisoned him in an endless pit for 1,000 years.


Although he has very little information about the origin of Antichrist, he has always been portrayed as the evil counterpart of Jesus. Moreover Antichrist is displayed as being sadistic, cruel, evil, narcissistic and with a somewhat homicidal god complex. He is also seen as a charismatic and somewhat manipulative leader intent on causing destruction and domination.

Powers and Abilities[]

The Antichrist is immortal, and in addition to having demonic powers like Night-omnipotence and Imitation, he had great leadership and political powers for orders and strategy.

Others Antichrist[]



  • There is some theory that Antichrist is a member of the Illuminati and thus following the concept of the New World Order, since in the Bible the Antichrist is said to have his own empire.
  • Although it is near pure evil, it is very likely that the Antichrist was used as a pawn God and planned his government to validate the Scriptures to unbelievers and thus bring them as a repentance. And it is also likely that the government of Antichrist will be one for sinners.
  • It is also very likely that if Antichrist ruled today, he would wage wars around the world for his own personal gain, and the casualty counts would be much larger than shown in the Bible.