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Anti-Pops (real name: Malum Kranus) is Pops Maellard's very evil younger twin brother and archenemy, and also a god-like embodiment of evil, who is so powerful that he is capable of destroying the universe. Anti-Pops wants to kill his older twin brother Pops and wipe out the universe to recreate in his own twisted image.
He is the strongest and most authoritative and powerful villain the Cartoon Network TV series Regular Show.

He and Pops were born on the planet lolliland known than as mega kranus and malum kranus both as the embodiments of good and evil and both siblings fought one another that ended in stalemate with two fists colliding obliterating and resetting the universe and every fourteen billion years after they battled for dominance until pops and anti pops once more fought on their home planet after his minions and streaming are beaten Anti Pops is punched off the coliseum and reached his ultimate power and though pops tried to stop him erased frivola kranus quadravi kranus weird mush room guy muscle man high five ghost the guardians of eternal youth Gary death carter and Briggs party house HD DVD blu ray tooth pick sally recap robot chance sure shot the baby ducks Andy skips eilleen benson and the guardian of lolliland horrified by this pops reached his ultimate form and they nearly crashed their fists when mordecai and rigby fly between and shout at him anti pops attacks them and destroys lolliland pops who had returned to normal size rescues and puts them on a asteroid and confronts his brother for the final time who prepares to attack and he hugs him and anti pops shrinks back to his normal size pops then stated he would not let go and anti pops then notices they were heading toward the sun much to his horror pops telepathically says good bye to mordecai and rigby at the last minute anti pops accepted his fate and regretted all the one star revives he'd posted on various food and beverage services pops cheers him up declaring you can try you and I together brother anti pops then hugs his brother back smiling before he and pops are obliterated by the star ending his reign of terror once and for all restoring every one he killed and finally ends the cycle of universal destruction and rebirth every fourteen billion years.
He was defeated from Pops' hug and died from burning in the sun, along with Pops, thus, he is now in the afterlife.
He is voiced by Robert Englund, who previously voiced the Stag-Man and known for portraying Freddy Krueger.