Angra Mainyu, also known as Ahriman, is the main antagonist of Zoroastrianism. He is the god of evil, destruction, and darkness, and the brother of the benevolent creator god Ahura Mazda.
When Ahura Mazda created all things in the universe, Angra Mainyu out of desrespect and jealousy sent demons to spoil the whole creation. Ahura Mazda welcomed his brother with peace, but Angra Mainyu refused, so Ahura Mazda threw him back into the darkness from whence he came.
And when Gayomart who was the first human to be created, and Angra Mainyu banished in outer darkness by prayer, he then attacked creation with hunger, disease, suffering and death and contaminating everything he touched with joy. This infuriated Ahuda Mazda who imprisoned his brother in the Absolute Darkness in which he can no longer escape to continue his spoil over the world. But the evil god did not grant, and lured a couple of humans, Mashya and Mashyana to evil. This then forced Ahura Mazda to make them easily.
During the Iranian end of the world, Ahura Mazda prepares to destroy Angra Mainyu. But after humans are not drawn to sin and seft-indulgence, Angra Mainyu is persecuted by Az, Ahriman's female countepart. He begs for mercy. Ahura Mazda expels the evil god through the abyss where he first came from, never to be seen again.