Anathos is one of the main antagonists of the French comic series called Les Légendairies. He is a God of Evil and the main antagonist of Anathos Cycle, his name is also derived from the God of Death from Mythology Greek, Thanatos.
Beginning of the Universe[]
In the beginning, six deities used his Mystical Stones to create Alysia's universe and world. However Anathos was not interested in this and stole the Mystical Stones for themselves to be more powerful than the other deities. And before that Anathos had also created Hell and begat the demon god called Eternity. Who served him the most was defeated and sealed after the fall of Anathos. After Anathos destroyed Alysia using the power of the Stones, and after fighting the other deities he lost his physical body and was sealed by them. After that they left the Mystical Stones to a divine being they created called the Guardian.
Inside the Bearer[]
The Bearer has traveled to Alysia's world for millennia and keeping Anathos still asleep. But nevertheless, finally Anathos woke up and began to influence his arrest and gained complete control of things. The Bearer still greatly disturbs his powers, yet he was still able to send his spirit into the world. It was later revealed that his return was orchestrated by Kalandre. Later Anathos dismissed the Spirits and convinced to accept its mark who would allow to incarnate in it if it was needed. And knowing that someone could prevent his return, he also marked a mark on Elementary Elf's forehead, which could make him pave the way between Alysia and Even Dimension and that he might have any one of support.
The Anathos Cycle[]
Anathos does not appear, but is mentioned by the twin deities called Dawn and Dusk. And his name is mentioned, and Dusk claims that one of the legends will bring the end of the world.
The Chase[]
After Anathos is destined to be incarnate in one of them be, Danael, Princess Jadina, Beast Man Graef, Razzia and Elf Shimy. Then they are all found by Elf Shimy. Then they are all found by Elysio and his Evil Twin Darkhell who were recruited by Guardian to prevent Anathos from returning. And being created by the Gods, he himself cannot opposed them, so he asked them for help. And they went to Bearer for two years and couldn't. And with the arrival of Anathos, they are forced to kill their host, and not knowing that it would be the target of Anathos, they decide to kill all the Legendaries. Then they are betrayed by Ténébris who wants to save Razzia who is her lover, and manages to escape, then the Guardian puts a tracker in Ténébris. Then Danael decides to steal a royal treasure to prevent Anathos from returning without killing anyone, and in doing so they are cast as traitors and thieves and are pursued by the Silver Falcons elite knights who are led by Danael's older brother, who is Ikael. And Alystory offers no better solution than killing the future host. Which later is to be revelead as being Shimy.
One day later, Anathos attacks Danael and Grif, who while Jadina, Razzia and Ténébris try to keep Shimy away from Anathos, and kill him if they are defeated. However Shimy listens to Danael's plan, and agrees with him, and they understand that Anathos also listened. And Anathos proves to be too strong for Danael and Grif to even scratch him. But Danael can retrieve his magic sword, and with Grif's help he can behead the Bearer from behind. Then Danael's friends tell him to throw away Shimy's locket which is Anathos's mark, which is already too late and Anathos recharges on Danael.
Defeating the Legendaries[]
After Anathos gets his incarnation the rest of the Legendaries attack Anathos who easily defeat them, Anathos blinds Shimy, cuts Razzia's arms and cut Gryf and leaves them alive. Then Anathos promises to spare her if Ténébris is to become his right-hand man, but she refuses and braces himself against him. In a last moment Elysio and Darkhell appear and save Ténébris and the Legendaries and put them in a waterhole. And then Darkhell and Elysio merge into Darkhell-Elysio and fight against Anathos.
During their fight, Anathos uses his Devil's Breath, but Darkhell-Elysio blocks the attacks, then Anathos defeats them by punching them behind with his flying sworld killings them. Then Anathos kills the Guardian, meanwhile Ténébris appears traumatizes before the Silver Falcons, and surrounded by the Legendaries and asks for help. And knowing that the Legendaries would one day come to fight him again. He creates evil copies of them and calls them Hellions. He also creates a demonic fortress called Castlewar that is capable of firing huge magical explosions. As if the base of operation and Danael's golden sword are the only weapon capable of wounding him. He then destroys a nearby city and decides to extinguish all life in Alysia.
Reing of Terror[]
Anathos spends two years going around the world with Castlewar, destroying every settlement he finds in the fortless and sending his army of Hellion-led Vulturs to eliminate what remains. He then spreads an incurable plague on his way to care for settlement that are too small for his army and condemning pollution to an increasingle dark path. Then the Legendaries meet after two years of training, and a victim. And now that Shimy is blind but able to perceive auras, Razzia has prosthetic arms and Jadina no longer looks human, but now they can return to Anathos. And apparently the Hellions kidnap Ténébris, and they decide to save her.
And Anathos known very well that she let herself be captured, and prepared to send her army of Vulturs to deal with the Legendaries without exposing themselves to them. However, Kalandre appears and advises him to deal with them, which Anathos agrees with her. And when the Legendaries attack at Castlewar, and they realize that Anathos has been waiting for them, Anathos attacks them by moving the hornlike rocks at the top of Castlewar that forces the Legendaries to separate. With that Anathos sends the Hellions after them, and orders Dark Jadina to bring the real Jadina before him.
The Final Battle[]
While Gryf, Razzia and Shimy confront their evil copies, Jadina angrily attacks Anathos, but he intercepts her blow with one finger, and breaking all the bones in his arm, he then asks Jadina about the Legendaries attack on Castlewar and he deduces that it's just fun for a bigger plan. He then orders Dark Jadina to torture her to learn about his goal, but Jadina realizes that she is no longer able to regenate, and with her newly discovered goal, she works with Dark Jadina, who tries to end Anathos but he is unharmed and Dark Jadina apologizes and her pretends to forgive her and explodes Dark Jadina in front of Jadina herself.
After Anathos overpowers, Jadina, Dark Shimy appears saying that she killed her counterpart, but instead of attacking Jadina, she attacks Anathos, who Shimy turned out to be the real Shimy, disguised as Dark Shimy, since the evil clones were all defeated it is later revealed that Jadina lured Castlewar so that the Silver Falcons led by Ikael and other Legendaries could attack with explosives and destroy the Castlewar cannon, however Anathos was already waiting for a trap. And Anathos then sends his Vulturs to destroy his enemies, but the piranhis air squads (which is another race of Elven Dimension) and a flying armed of the human world Sabredoray manages to stop the Vulturs. Enraged at being outnumbered by a human, Anathos fights the Legendaries, and Jadina grabs Anathos and puts him in a big blast that would kill them both, Razzia uses her prosthetic who later turns out to be a demon named Amy, to protect the others from explosion. After the Vulturs die, and Jadina thought she had succeded, until it shows that the Anathos had survived the blast, since only one god can kill other, and Anathos prepares to destroy the planet, only for Kalandre appears and grabs it his arm, and dissipating his evil power and restoring Danael's body to normal, after Jadina takes the golden sword and prepares to stab the Anathos.
Later when Jadina tries to kill Anathos, he uses Danael's appearance, and begs him not to believe Kalandre. However, Jadina was not mistaken since the real Danael would ask to die, she then kills Anathos by stabbing and killing him along with Danael who did not survive. After all the Legendaries go to the funeral of Danael, Darkhell, Elysio and the victims of Anathos, they decide to rebuild Alysia. But when Kalandre appears at the ceremony and ressurects Danael to be part of the Dynameis, and since Danael is no longer a normal human, he can no longer be part of the Legendaries, he joins the Dynameis.
Anathos has a demonic appearance as having horns and a skull face and bright yellow eyes with infernal pupils, he has bright markings on his forehead. And the true form of Anathos is what host would become, which be like having dark energy with smoke. In his incarnation, Anathos has a more childlike body than his host. He has blond hair and a face and his skin is red and white on the trunk around his face, he has blade-shaped horns on his shoulder and head. His eyes are black and yellow pupil, and his ears are pointed, he has scales on his forearms and white tip all over his body. He also wears black tunics that is crafted with a gray and white pattern and shirtless. He can also wield a long silver sword with a demonic fist and a red stone on his blade that he himself created from his own host.
Anathos is one of the most evil if not the most evil of them, since unlike some villains, he had no redeeming qualities or elements of comedy. Although his expressions of amazement and anger of a comic air. He was cruel, sadistic, merciless, selfish and violent. He delights in the suffering of the his enemies and he usually enjoys it, which has been exhibite by grin and cruel trials to his enemies. He also despises the other gods for preventing him from ruling the universe. He also hates creation, and it treats its lackeys as tools and don't care about them. Anathos is also very intelligent, observed and arrogant, who has complete confidence in her abilities.
Powers and Ability[]
Anathos is a powerful god who can fly, make things levitate, hear through spells or objects, control people, control whether, cast divine magic, create and manipulate and transform things as well as animate objects, and sweat duplicates of people through DNA, Anathos can also cause all kinds of disasters, create monsters through heartfighters, he can also control the elements, and shoot a ball of energy he calls Devil's Breath. He has superhuman streght, speed, and he has good weapon skills.
- The story of Anathos is very similar to Lucifer, since both betray him his superiors, God of Lucifer, and the Gods of Anathos, both were sealed, both created Hell. Both are seen as the great evil and both have a strong hatred against humanity which has caused him to be sealed by it.