Amber Henshaw is a villainess from "Ch-Ch-Changes," episode 5.08 of CSI (airdate November 18, 2004).
She was played by Katy Selverstone.
Amber's brief backstory only revealed that she was taken in by the Lavelles, who helped her clean up her life and become a registered nurse, while also becoming a surrogate mother for their daughter, Tippi. At some point, Amber began assisting Mona Lavelle in performing gender reassignment surgeries, with Mona doing so illegally due to never attending medical school and acquiring a license. The episode revealed that the pair botched a pair of surgeries, with one of the botches resulting in the patient, Tawny, bleeding to death.
After Tawny's death, the evil Amber left the scene of the surgeries (a storage unit) and covered up the fatal botch, with Mona doing the same. Wendy Garner, another patient, was found murdered in the episode's events, and after Mona's villainous past was uncovered, a further inspection revealed that female DNA was in the unit. Nick Stokes took Amber's cigarette butt after witnessing her and Francis Lavelle arguing, and the DNA matched the sample found in the unit. Amber was interrogated by Stokes, which saw the villainess admit to assisting Mona in the illegal surgeries, adding that she did so out of gratitude. Regarding Wendy, Amber stated that she was a success, but denied killing Wendy, claiming that she was with Mona at Tippl's soccer game.
Amber's alibi checked out, and it was later revealed that Wendy was killed by Frances, who did so to cover for his wife's past actions. Regarding Amber, she was most likely arrested (off-screen) for her role in the illegal surgeries and Tawny's death.