Airy is the main antagonist of Nintendo's 2012 RPG video game called Bravely Default.
Airy is a servant of Ouruboros the devourer of worlds, to make her wish she succesfully deceives Agnés Oblige by using her to awaken elenental crystals. Soon after she together with Warriors of Light, she fought against them and sent Altenis to another dimension that would make him lose his memory. Then Agnés already knowing of Lester DeRosso and Sage Yulyana revealing thus that she was deceiving them.
Then Airy traveled to the world of Tiz and destroyed his village causing an abyss. She tricked the Warriors of Light of that world, with the Alternis who were now known as Ringabel, and took them on a missio and awoke the crystals. She later spared them for four more worlds, each of which was destroyed off-screen, and when Ringabel herself became a caterpillar. She fought the Warriors, and revealed that she hates the Warriors all the time, that she hates the devotion Edea, she also insulted Ringabel for her lack of courage, because it was her that destroyed Edea's home planet and Ringabel. Then when she is defeated she defeated, she retreats to the Aurora of Darkness. And when the Warrior of Light meets Airy, Ouroboros turns into a butterfly. She uses this form to fight the Warriors, but when she is defeated, Ouroboros insastifeite and impatiente with her defeat devours her as she begs for mercy.