Antagonists Wiki

Aileen Carol Wuornos or also commonly known as Aileen Wuornos is the main antagonist of the movie Monster. She was based on the real serial killer of the same name.

She was portrayed Charlize Theron, who also portrayed Queen Ravenna in Snow White and the Huntsman and The Huntsman: Winter's War.


Her life in movie is very similar in real life, Wuornos had a difficult childhood, as her father's friend raped her, as a crime her father beat her for talking about the crime. And during her adult life she became a prostitute, and during a day at a bar she met a woman named Selby Wall with whom she began to relate and stopped commiting suicide, and she began to relate and stopped commiting suicide, and she began to suffer homophobia from a family that was in the straits. Their relationship began to grow and having a romantic affair, and the two rented a motel for many days, and had sex when they were in love. After being beaten, raped and tortured by a soldier, Ailleen kills him in self-defense and decides to stop being a prostitute. However, her inability to find another job made her continue in prostitution, and eventually she supported the money she took from her victims to give to Selby. However after killing a police officer, the police soon began to investigate her. Aileen soon confessed her actions to Selby, claiming she did it because all the men she killed would beat them, Aileen then sent Selby out on a bus until things got calmer. Aileen was later arrested when she was drunk and a couple confirmed that her stolen car belonged to one of her victims. She was later eventually betrayed by Selby who arrested her confession and testified against her, Aileen after that was executed for the crimes. 


Aileen is misandric who uses her prostitute work to kill men who she thinks is a danger to women, she also turned out to be a sociopath with bordeline personality disorder and bipolar disorder, although she has these disorders she has shown to have some empathy for Selby as she also supported her with the money of her victims. And during her end she had a more honorable death since she did not betray her. 
