Abel Cuvier is the main antagonist in the Batman Beyond episode "Splicers". He was a genetic scientist who developed the practice known as splicing. Abel Cuvier was voiced by Ian Buchanan.
Abel Cuvier's past is unknown but it is revealed that he eventually developed a penchant for splicing. He was later hired by the terrorist organization, Kobra, to teach Zander about the fundamentals of genetics.
Later in his life, rather than use his groundbreaking work for the betterment of mankind, Cuvier used it to start a trend to alter Gotham's youth, whether they wanted to or not. Cuvier also had three people become his spliced minions; King Cobra, Ramrod, and Tigress. After Batman learned of Cuvier's plans of attempting to kill District Attorney Sam Young (due to the DA outlawing splicing), he ends up getting captured by Cuvier and his minions. Instead of killing him, Cuvier injects Batman with bat DNA. The bat DNA would slowly turn Batman into a hybrid of man and bat. Despite this, Batman was able to rescue the DA from the three spliced minions. However, the bat DNA was starting to take effect as he began to turn into a man/bat hybrid.
Fortunately, Bruce Wayne was able to save Terry and extract the bat DNA. The two then decided that Cuvier needed to be stopped. So Bruce Wayne gave Terry a few Splice cures, so he could cure the three minions and Cuvier. After Batman managed to cure the three minions, he went after Cuvier. However, Cuvier injects himself with several animal DNA, including a Snake a hawk and a tiger, becoming what he considers a chimera.
Both Cuvier and Batman fought each other, with Cuvier having the upper hand. Batman then decides to inject Cuvier with multiple animal DNA. This caused Cuvier to go through an unstable mutation. After a long and grueling battle Batman, with the help from Ace the dog was able to defeat Cuvier by blowing up his facility. However, it's unknown what happened to Cuvier. It's unknown if he was killed in the explosion, or if he survived.