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Abaddon is a secondary antagonist in the season 8 and main antagonist together with Metatron at the season 9 of Supernatural.

She was portrayed by Alaina Huffman, Sharon Bell and Anna Gavin.



At first Abaddon was a human who was handpicked by Lucifer as Prince of Hell. She was trained by Cain it is also hinted that she is insinuated had a romantic relationship with Cain althought not shown in the serie. Althought that Abaddon is one of the first thought younger than Lilith. Eventually Cain fell in love with a human named Colette in 1863 hoping to make Cain join her. When this came Knight of Hell, they then tried to kill Colette in the expectation of bringing Cain back to his former self, this fact managed to infuriate Cain because he loved her, Then Abaddon along with the other Knights of Hell kidnapped Colette, Cain then even at a disadvantage in comparison to them which were many, he then can kill others much Knights of Hell with the First Blade the only weapon capable of killing a Knight of Hell, Cain soon saw Abaddon owning Colette, with his refusal to return to her, she tries to persuade him to go back for her but he refuses to go back to her, with all that Abaddon then told by Cain if she could not have him so Colette could not have him, had Abaddon twist Colette's neck when he went to kill Abaddon with the First Blade the same one that he killed his younger brother Abel, she then left Colette's body and had him stab Colette by killing her. Although Cain wanted to kill Abaddon because what she had done Colette told him not to kill anyone else that he heeneed her request.

Then in 1958, upon learning of the work of Father Max Thompson, who was trying to work in healing, he then tries transforms demons into humans with the cure, that is, healing instantly. Then Abaddon was sent to kill Father Max Thompson, but Abaddon then killed Father Max Thompson in 5 august of the same year, more before he reveals the secrets about torture since he was working with Josie Sands a beginner Man of Letters who was also a close friend of Henry Winchester to whom she was in love with him but could not have him because he was already married to Millie Winchester.

Some time later, while stil working with demons to steal human souls, Abaddon together with others demons possess others nuns while that she possess the Mother Superior that she is a nun who was at the St. Bonaventure Convent in Milton, Illinois, with some deaths happening related to nun, the two members of the Men of Letters note the events, Henry Winchester and Josie Sands and with that soon arrived in place and began to investigate the murders committed by one of the soulless nuns, they exorcised two of Abaddon's demons, they try to exorcise Abaddon more she yet however proved himself immune to the exorcism made by Henry and Josie, since they were no match for Abaddon, and with that soon after Abaddon overthrew Henry with very facility, when Abaddon planned to own Henry study and then after destroy the Men of Letters forever, more Josie managed to persuade Abaddon to possess her and leave Henry alive that Abaddon meets your request has, so then she left Henry alive, and she passed by Josie and told Henry that they had won, and she also subtly threatened Julia Wilkinson that not to tell anyone what happened the last survivor of nuns who were there on the spot.

Season 8[]

On August 12, during a Josie initiation ceremony, she killed all the Men of Letters who were there in place except Larry Ganem and Henry Winchester who managed survive there to escape and also with which the key was entrusted and also placed inside a box for safety, since it was seen that Abaddon wanted to use it to cause chaos, with the box in the his hands, Henry then traveled in time with a time fence, with that soon Abaddon went behind him after burning the place, and there she met Henry and his grandsons Sam and Dean Winchester and soon after they come face to face with Abaddon also since she chased Henry in the spell of time, during the fight of the Dean against Abaddon, Dean manages to stab her with the Demon-Killing Knife, but that only hurt her and did not kill her, forcing the Wichesters to flee, she then later read the mind of the motel employee to know the Winchesters and then she killed her and continued with his pursuit of the Winchesters. She then went to the former headquarters of the Men of Letters had turned into an Astro Comics after being rebuilt in the fire that she caused in 1958 she had fun with this event made by her, she then read the mind of the clerk to find out if the Winchesters were there, she liked the gothic girl's outfits, she then killed and dressed his clothes. 

Abaddon then tracked down Larry's whereabouts who was he now blind, she then owned Larry's wife, and listened to the Winchesters and Larry's conversation, she then killed Larry's wife and after Larry himself also, and knocked Sam down before returning to Josie's body, Abaddon made an exchange between Sam and box and the life of Henry that Dean accepted, she reneged on the bargain and Sam and Dean Winchester, arresting Sam and Dean Winchester with telekinesis and mortally wounding, Henry then shoots her in then shoots her in the head, Abaddon found the headshot a race longer than his mood was gone when she was then furious to discover that the box was false there was nothing inside her, she then tries to read the mind of Henry, she then discovers that the bullet had a devil trap inside, she then getting very weak thanks to the bullet that had a devil's thap inside her. Dean then takes advantage of the opportunity of Abaddon's weakness and behead her head, thus Henry then dies. He then keeps your body in a cement.   

Soon after Sam and Dean retrive Abaddon's body parts except for the hands they took very carefully and placed in a box, she then deduces that they are trying to turn her into a human to complete the third trial, when the Winchesters receive the Crowley's telenema, she was shocked to discover that the seller is now King of Hell, so Sam and Dean left the room to talk with Crowley while Abaddon seized the opportunity and escaped using the hand that Sam and Dean Winchester who had left in the box very close to her. 

After Crowley sent aid to the demons come rescue him, Abaddon then appeared with the two whore hands which she used to escape from Sam and Dean Winchester, she later with telekinesis broke the devil's trap and threw Sam out of a window, however, Abaddon soon reveals that he was not there to save him because she was furious to know that a mere demon from the crossroads was in charge while she was gone the of your time, with that she began to beat him and she told Crowley that she wanted a change of regime more before she could continue Sam appears and spurious her with a Holy Oil making her leave his body.                            

Season 9[]

Abaddon returns to Josie's body with a spell thanks to the help of a demon, Abaddon began to recruit demons for aid in their cause to destroy the humans andd make the angels bow toward the her, but she encounters resistance from a Demon of the Crossroads who had owned an old woman as a vessel and used his her appearance to get pacts, then Abaddon sent the demon back to hell as punishment for rebelling, she went to a military base together two devils loyal to her and kidnapped two hunters called Irv and Tracy and she the used them to lure the Winchester brothers, Abaddon soon had a confrontation with Dean and Tracy, more Abaddon avoided being shot for more than the bullets had a devil's trap to weaken her, she fought against Dean, she desarmed Dean and immobilized him, she then threatened that he would possess him and make him see all atrocities unless Dean gave the place where Crowley is being held by him and his young brother, and that she promised to Dean who would kill him quickly, but when Gadreel appeared and she was soon gone instead of fight against him. 

A day later, Crowley contacted Abaddon with the use of the blood chalice, she mocked him and had fun about it and said that he was reshaping hell to become more chaotic and also said that since his disappearance he had no such support, Crowley then with angry threatened her, and she said that was expecting it and hung. 

The other day, Abaddon discovers Crowley's wherebounts thants to a demon named Lola who acted as his lover, Abaddon then sends two demons to a location known Blade, plus Magnus the former member of the Men of Letters had stolen before the demons of Abaddon, she manages to trace the hiding place of Winchesters and Crowley more can not enter and vandalizes the impala.

Abaddon then returned in time at the 1723 she then killed a man and kidnapped Crowley's son, Gavin MacLeod, to fence him to capture her and kill the Winchesters, so Sam and Dean Winchester fall into Abaddon's trap, not wanting Crowley to interfere with her throwing a bullet with a devil trap, Dean then advances against Abaddon plus she holds him up with telekinesis, but Dean can react favorably to Cain's mark, Abaddon thinks he can still beat him, but she is supended and she ends up being by Dean and levitated and dies.

Powers and Abilities[]

 Powers   []

  • Telekinetic- It can lift people with their mind making them levitate, like the power of any common demon. 
  • Biokinesis- Abaddon made Larry's eyes bleed to death that made him blind. She also did it with the eyes of Gavin the son of Crowley in the same way that she did with Larry more then her that damage was not permanent.
  • Immunite- Abaddon is immune to any weakness except and First Blade.
  • Super Streght- Abaddon has a superhuman streght like any other demon, as it was shown she managed to rally the Dean Winchester only to escape the angel who was in the place.
  • Memory Extraction- After inserting part of its essence into humans, Abaddon can same extract the memory of humans either conscience or unconscious. 
  • Spell-Casting- Abaddon was able to travel in and chase after Henry, simply replicating the effects of Henry's blood stealth, though she was not related to any of the Winchesters by blood, with that soon after she would do the same thing with Gavin MacLeod, Crowley's son who had died in a century long past in the year 1723, more did it by using Crowley's blood to use the spell to travel in time.  
  • Teleportation- She can also teleport to wherever she wants, as she was seen when she kidnapped Crowley's son when she traveled in the past thanks to a spell of time.  
  • Invunerable- Abaddon is invunerable to any other fatal weapon including weapons that kill demons except First Blade. 
  • Immortality- Abaddon is immortal thus being shown a difficult opponent to defeat no weapon could kill her and neither the holy water that oly hurts her, being the only one to kill her is and to kill a Knight of Hell, already that being the only one to kill her is and to kill a Knight of Hell is the First Blade.  
  • Super Stamina- Abaddon has no human needs nor water and food, and also including the needs of humans to be sleepy.  
  • Terrakinesis- She has the power to create sesimic activity, she simply broke a trap of the devil, having Crowley, causing tremors that cracked the floor of the church where Crowley was, even before she same came from the church.      
  • Flight- Abaddon can leave your body like a black smoke.
  • Tactile Exorcism- Abaddon can expel another demon and send him to hell.
  • Possession- Abaddon may possess human beings and none of the damage her vessel does not suffer except holy water that is fatal to the demons more for the fact that if Knight of Hell she is immortal being that only the First Blade can kill her. 
  • Telepropioception- Abaddon even with a bullet carved into her head she managed to make the severed hand of her vessel open the box where she was, jump over her body and move towards her head and also to remove the bullet that was in her head and soon in then run away from the. It is also capable of preventing your vessel from dying however serious and dangerous they may be. 


Abaddon was very skilled at hand-to-hand combat since she was Cain's apprendice, she was also very clever and a good strategist and had a great knowledge in magic, she was also one of the most powerful demons in the series seen as she alone killed many Men of Letters that were in place. 


Abaddon is totally untrustworthy being avarice and quick of anger and also very smart, It can also adapt very quickly to modern times and its tecnology, as arsenal and weapons also others things as his, although she is very little at this time. She is very smart and brillant being also a good strategist being able to wear costumes and weapons to her subodinates in a siggle blow. She also known how to locate her enemies as well the hunters she used as bait to lure the Winchesters brothers. 

Although she is sadistic ans appreciates the fear and suffering of others, she herself prefers to kill her victims in a quick way, since she believes that murder is like was an art, she also came to compare the murder of Father Thompson with the murder of the Men of Letter. She slso seems to have a fuzzy mood since she was amused when the headquarters of the Men of Letters had turned into a comic shop, after that she laughed when it seemed that Henry and Dean had fallen into their trap. She also liked the clothes of a girl and got to the point of killing her and putting on her clothes. She is also extremely ambituos, she also does not want to dominate hell but also the whole world. Abaddon also boasted his superiority over the others beings, but however of his arrogance and always underestimating his adversaries led to his defeat and death in the Dean Winchester with the First Blade. She also instead of using torture for a long period of time before killing her victims, the fact that she used torture to interrogate the two hunters and despite her telepathing and extrating the information left behind from her victims suggests that she was teaching her subordinates to their best torture techniques, thus being in favoring more to their sadistic side.   

She also seems to be very aggressive with those who do not show her enough respect when she beat Crowley when he tried to command her, and then immediately insulted her by calling her a prostitute, or when she simply smothered a demon from crossroad that called the Knights of Hell overestimated and then Abaddon sent her back to hell. 

Abaddon also believes that a King of Hell worthy of truth strives and conquers for his ideal, she became incredibly shocked and angry with anger that she discovered that Crowley had turned the new King of Hell and prepared herself quickly so she could overthrow him and take her place and lead Hell since she believed he was unworthy to continue to take on this post. Abaddon also showed himself immense since his also in the relationship to his methods. She also sees him as a king totally inadequate to his King of Hell rank because he only cares about contracts and his politics and to unlike and also totally different from Crowley she does not care about politics and business like him. When he discovered what hell had become during his absence, Abaddon then expressed various levels of shock as disgust and even caustic fun in the state of the thing as they are. Believing also that Crowley is the real source of the problem that hell is happening and even starting that she and her strength will be hailed as liberators by others demons when finally they take power at once. 

Despite her suberb behavior in relation to others people whether humans or demons she even shows moments of fear and worry when she is in a difficult situation. An example to be noticed when she went to face Dean when he already had the mark of Cain inside his arm and how much First Blade and his hand. Although she was happy when she arrested Dean with her telekinesis, she most certainly was very worried when Dean began to resist repeatedly until he managed to stab her. Abaddon seems to be afraid of an angel, although aloud her desire to govern the failen also, both she does as the humans and the demons while to that question about it. This is also evidenced by her look of anxiety, tone, and fear when she asks Dean if there was an angel nearby, so that she fled instead of trying to fight alone.                   



  • Abaddon is main antagonist of season 9 together with Metatron, although of both are dead in other seasons.
  • Abaddon also is the fifth demon of folklore the appears in the series Supernatural the others are Azazel, Lilith, Astaroth and Alastair. 
    • She is one of the many main villains to be killed by Dean Winchester the others are Azazel, Zachariah, Dick Roman and Lucifer.
    • In the Jewish tradition, Abaddon is simply a word that means for life after death also the times of hell itself. In Christian folklore, however, Abaddon is either a demon or fallen angel of god; in apocalypse Abaddon is simply known as the angel of the abyss who rules over an entire army of locusts that will torment people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads, for long five months. It may be noted that in some Christian traditions that actually Abaddon is Devil himself. The word Abaddon in Hebrew means destroyer, in apocalypse he is known as The Destroyer. Abaddon's folklore is a male demon and the TV series Supernatural she is female. 

