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Villain Overview

Abacus Cinch is the main antagonist in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Friendship Games. She is the former headmistress of Crystal Prep Academy.

She is voiced by Iris Quinn


Principal Cinch is the haughty, abusive, and manipulative principal of Crystal Prep Academy. She takes pride in her students and reputation, especially the awards that her school receives when winning the Friendship Games, and largely considers their legacy of winning her own. She also considers the human Twilight Sparkle her most prized student because of her test grades.

However, Cinch is very competitive and arrogant when it comes to opposition. She accepts nothing less than perfection from her students, as seen during ACADECA, and she shows no reservations in resorting to underhanded tactics to preserve her school's image, such as exploiting her students and cheating. She is also somewhat cowardly, leaving her students behind when she perceives Midnight Sparkle to be a monster.

According to Dean Cadance, Principal Cinch is "highly allergic" to dogs. Enterplay trading card Equestrian Friends #27 mentions about Principal Abacus Cinch, "Claims to be highly allergic to dogs".


  • Her actress, Iris Quinn portrays a character named Mrs. Biers in the film The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
  • She is the first main EG villain to be an average adult and not from Equestria, as the previous ones were teenagers that are from Equestria.
  • Due to wearing glasses and her voice sounding slightly more older than Celestia's, it is possible that she is middle aged.
  • As Principal Cinch is a regular human who has to have a pony counterpart, she is the only current character not having a cutie-mark symbolic. (Even Dazzlings had those, giving fans the material to create their cutie-marks. Cinch doesn't have any symbolic which could be taken as cutie-mark).
    • As a result of the above point, this implies her counterpart might not even be a pony at all.
  • Abacus Cinch was named after Atticus Finch from the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, which is the significance for "to kill the innocent".
  • She shares few similarities with Mother Gothel, as both are abusive authority figures who used the protagonists as a tool for her goals, such as Principal Cinch used Sci-Twi to help the Shadowbolts win the Friendship Games while Mother Gothel used Rapunzel to locked in her tower so she can return to her youth.
  • She is one of the only villains in the My Little Pony G4 franchise to not make a reappearance nor is she a recurring character.

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           My Little Pony franchise logo Villains

My Little Pony 'n Friends
Ahgg | Beezen | Catrina | Dragon Gang | Erebus | Flories | Grogar | Hydia | King Charlatan | Lavan | Princess Porcina | Queen Bumble | Raptorians | Reeka & Draggle | Somnambula | Squirk | Tirac

Friendship is Magic
Apple Bloom's Shadow | Ahuizotl | Arimaspi | Bugbear | Changelings | Chimera | Cockatrice | Daybreaker | Dr. Caballeron | Diamond Dogs | Diamond Tiara | Discord | Dragons (Dragon Lord Torch, Garble & Sludge) | Flim Flam Brothers | Gladmane | Grogar | Hydra | Jet Set and Upper Crust | King Sombra | Legion of Doom (Queen Chrysalis, Tirek & Cozy Glow) | Mane-iac | Maulwurf | Mean Six | Nightmare Moon | Parasprites | Pony of Shadows | Puckwudgies | Roc | Sable Spirit | Shadowbolts | Silver Spoon | Snips and Snails | Sphinx | Starlight Glimmer | Storm King | Svengallop | Tantabus | Tatzlwurm | Tempest Shadow | Timberwolves | Trixie Lulamoon | Vampire Fruit Bats | Windigos | Wind Rider

Equestria Girls
Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze & Sonata Dusk) | Juniper Montage | PostCrush (Kiwi Lollipop & Supernova Zap) | Principal Cinch | Snips and Snails | Sunset Shimmer | Trixie Lulamoon | Vignette Valencia | Wallflower Blush

Make Your Mark
Shadowy Alicorn

Accord | Bad Apple | Blonn Di and Shining Light | Changelings | Chupacabra | Cosmos | Cozy Glow | Daybreaker | Dazzlings (Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze & Sonata Dusk) | Diamond Tiara | Discord | Flim Flam Brothers | Grogar | King Diomedes | King Sombra | Mane-iac | Nightmare Forces | Nightmare Moon | Nightmare Rarity | Pony of Shadows | Princess Celestia | Pseudocorns | Queen Chrysalis | Rabia | Rough Diamond | Sendak | Shadowbolts | Shadowfall | Shadowfright | Silver Spoon | Smooze | Snips and Snails | Starlight Glimmer | Storm King's army (Storm King, Tempest Shadow, Grubber & Storm Creatures) | Sunset Shimmer | Swift Foot | Terri Belle | Tirek | Trixie Lulamoon | Vampiric Jackalope

My Little Pony: The Movie (1986): Hydia | Reeka & Draggle | Smooze | Ahgg
My Little Pony: The Movie (2017): Storm King's army (Storm King, Tempest Shadow, Grubber & Storm Creatures)
My Little Pony: A New Generation: Sprout Cloverleaf
