Antagonists Wiki
Thanos (Endgame)

The 2014 Time Heist Thanos is a supporting antagonist of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, appearing as the main antagonist of Avengers: Endgame and a posthumous antagonist of the Secret Invasion series.

While conducting diagnostics on the cybernetic systems in his daughter Nebula, he observed a conversation occurring between her and other people that originated from a different location. Based on what he saw, he determined that his plan to gather the Infinity Stones to restore balance to the universe had succeeded and that the other people were attempting to undo what he had achieved by traveling back in time to get to the Infinity Stones before he did.

After capturing the other Nebula that had traveled back in time, his Nebula was able to infiltrate the group and returned to the future. She then brought Thanos and his ship forward in time just after they had restored the half of life previously wiped from existence.

Based on the changes in the past and what he saw of the future, Thanos' attitude changed. Before, his goal had been to restore the balance through impartial means. He began to take the process more personally and determined that the only way to fully bring balance to the universe would be to wipe out all life and start over with new life he would create, since any beings left alive would always remember what had happened and would not be able to accept what he had done.

In the final battle, Tony Stark was able take the Stones out of the Gauntlet and incorporate them into his Iron Man armor. With a snap of his fingers, Stark wiped out Thanos' army. Watching them disappear, Thanos realized he had lost and sat down to wait until he would disappear, too.
